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- Catholic Dogma says "God is absolute benignity" - Does that mean He's inactive?
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- Kirsten,
David's wife's testimony of becoming Catholic
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Responses to people with a real anti-Catholic bias
- A response to Joe Rogan's anti-Catholic Rants.
- A response to Bill Webster's accusations in "The Church of Rome at the Bar of History" that the Fathers did not talk about Peter the Rock
- John MacArthur's fundamental problem with Catholicism
- Allen Parr's viral YouTube video against Catholicism (part 1)
- Allen Parr (Part 2)
- Does Mary Ann Collins actually exist?
- Charles Chiniquy and his Charges against Catholicism
- A 1908 Catholic response to Chiniquy
- Catholicism, Crisis of Faith. Have you seen this anti-Catholic Video?
- Dan Brown, Da Vinci Code
- What is a faithful Catholic?
- Why belong to a scandalized Catholic Church?
- Were there "Black Masses" at Notre Dame Basilica
- The Catholic Mass - Full text (new text Nov. 2011)
- Dogmas
- Is Modern Music OK for Christians?
- Flow Chart of Catholic Doctrine
- Apostles' Creed
- Relativism
- New Age is not that New
- Why do I like the new Mass better than the traditional Mass?
- How to stop being Catholic
- Is a synod binding?
- 8 characteristics of Catholicism
Relations between the Catholic and Orthodox Church
- Introduction to Catholic Orthodox Relations
- Timeline of Catholic and Orthodox relations
- When did The Bishop of Rome become the Pope
- The Filioque (Proceeds from the Father and the Son)
- The Nicene Creed full text
- Does the Eastern Orthodox Church predate the Roman Catholic Church?
- A discussion about Purgatory and Prayers for the dead
- Does the Orthodox Church predate the Catholic Church?
- The Orthodox Bible. Did the Council of Nicea II confirm the Council of Carthage
- Catholic dialogue with an Eastern Orthodox theologian
- Early Eastern Church fathers recognize the Pope
- Holy Fire
- Decomposed bodies of Saints
- The 1054 Split between Catholic and Orthodox
- Orthodox position on Divorce
- Orthodox position on Contraception
- The Crusades:Sack of Constantinople
- Did the Apostle Andrew establish the Church in Constantinople?
- Why can't babies receive communion in the Catholic Church?
- Why can Orthodox Christians receive Catholic Communion but Catholics can't receive Orthodox Communion?
- The History of the Church in Bulgaria
- Heresies - listed
- Has the Orthodox Church changed on significant issues?
- If Peter had primacy, why did James make decision (Acts 15)?
- Why does the Orthodox Church have more books in their Bible than the Catholic Church
Sex, Social and Moral Issues
- Why is Catholic Church against gay marriage
- Gay marrriage versus Catholic free speech
- Why is the Catholic Church against gay sex?
- Gay sex in the Bible
- Fr. James Martin, and the LBGT community
- Marriage, divorce, and annulments
- Divorce in the case of adultery
- Pope Benedict on Gender Theory
- Contraception from natural law
- Contraception in the Bible
- Contraception - Early Church Fathers
- Contraception in Africa and the third world, the UN and the Catholic Church
- Is Theology of the Body overly sexual?
- Priest Sexual Abuses
- Can gay men become priests?
- Did Vatican II cause priest sexual abuse crisis
- Glossary of the modern age
- Is the Catholic Church against women
- Why not women priests?
- Why can't priests get married?
- Why is the Catholic Church so slow to change?
- Why not sex before marriage?
- What is wrong with Planned Parenthood?
- What's wrong with masturbation?
- What's wrong with In Vitro Fertilization?
- Is anal sex ok between married couples as foreplay?
- Are sex toys Ok as foreplay for married couples?
- What is a lay Chistian and how should they live?
- Is Yoga OK for Christian Catholics?
- The Matrix Movie and Christianity
- Video on Chastity
- A response to John Lennon's "Imagine"
- Liberation Theology and Social Justice
- Summary of Authentic Catholic Social teaching
- Does the Church teach that a person who commits suicide automatically goes to hell?
- Is DMT a god drug, is it dangerous?
- Lust Recovery support group
- Is same sex attraction intrinsically disordered?
- Bible verses on celibacy
- Family Mission Statement
- Consecration to Jesus through St. Joseph
- Why is Lord of the Rings better than Harry Potter for Christians
- Moral Theology textbook online Volume 1 (80 Articles)
- Moral Theology textbook online Volume 2 (100 Articles)
- 200 difficult moral questions answered (Moral theology Vol 3)
- Moral theology home page
The Apocalypse and the coming persecution
- Spiritual Preparations: How to get ready spiritually
- Circumstancial preparations: the logistics of what to do and how to do it
- What to DO when persecution hits
- What to BELIEVE when persecution hits
- Is the Apocalypse coming?
- What do we do with Fr. Michel Rodrigues?
- Benedict Option Book Review
- Live Not By Lies: A manual for Christian Dissidents, book summary
- How to quit Facebook and Twitter, we did too!
- Is Bitcoin a good idea for Catholics and Evangelical Christians?
- Who is Helena Blavatsky, why does it matter?
- Chastisements in the Book of Revelation
- Pre-Trib vs Post-Trib Rapture
- The Era of Peace after the Tribulation, Bible prophesy
- The Era of Peace after the Tribulation, popes prophesy
- The Era of Peace after the Tribulation, Early Church Fathers prophesy
- Compare the Era of Peace after the Tribulation to Millenarianism
- UFO Deception of the antichrist
- UFOs and aliens: The great deception
- The scientific case against UFOs
- Unnatural UFO movement against gravity
- Richard Rohr, UFOs and the Great Reset
- Interdimentional UFOs and the Multiverse
- UFOs and aliens: The great deception
- Jimmy Akin and Matt Fradd on aliens
- Aliens, antichrist and Demons
- The Bible and UFOs
- Christianity and UFOs
- Catholicism and UFOs
- Pagan religions and UFOs
- UFOs as a universal sci-fi religion
- Fr James Martin, protege of Richard Rohr
- 48 characteristics of the Antichrist
- Artificial Intelligence Singularity and antichrist
- End Times Timeline : Catholic vs Evangelical
- Mysterious World of Jimmy Akin
- Animal personhood refuted
- Animal mediums and communication with humans
- Talking whales and apes, elephants that paint
- Are dancing bees rational?
- The primacy of common sense
- Is interstellar travel possible
- Wormhole travel
- Joe Dispenza and self actualization
- Is Gene Decode a safe teacher?
- Characteristics of demonic influencers
- Timeline of Catholic Church
- Timeline of how the Bible came to us
- Why did the Church move to Rome from Jerusalem?
- Where is Golgotha
- Vatican says Protestant communities are not churches
- Vatican Questions & Answers on the meaning of the word "Church"
- Indulgences scandal of 1500's
- Did Catholics invent Secular Humanism? (Part 1 introduction)
- Did Catholics invent Secular Humanism? (Part 2- Greek)
- Did Catholics invent Secular Humanism? (Part 3 - Renaissance)
- Did Catholics invent Secular Humanism? (Part 4 - Modern Church)
- Francis Schaeffer's accusations, with responses (Part 5)
- Was Hitler Catholic, Christian
- Was Pius XII silent, wimpy, and anti-Semitic
- The Pope's famous speech about "evil and inhuman" acts by Mohammed and about the relationship of Reason and Faith and the Dehellenization of Christianity
- Pope Benedict XVI's first Mass Homily
- Inquisition
- Anathemas
- Did Catholics rewrite the 10 Commandments?
- 12 Days of Christmas - the true meaning of the song
- Joan of Arc
- Galileo
- Was Goliath a blind, lumbering spas like Malcolm Gladwell asserts
- Corrupt Monasteries?
- Why did the Catholic Church forbid Bible reading?
- Did the Church squash the Medieval (women) mystics?
- Did St. Cyril kill Hypatia?
- Did religion cause more war related deaths
- Why didn't early Christians graft into the Jewish way of doing things?
- Catholic Church Castrations
- Witch Burnings during the Inquisition
- Were Irenaeus, Theodoret of Cyrus and Augustine Anti-Eucharist?
- Text of the Didache
- Did Jesus literally spend 72 hours in the tomb?
- Slavery in the Bible
Vatican II - Modernism - liberal bubble after VII
- General discussion of Vatican II and Modernism
- Pastoral Constitution On the Church In the Modern World - Gaudium et Spes
- Dogmatic Constitution of the Church - Lumen Gentium
- Dogmatic Constitution On Divine Revelation - Dei Verbum
- On the Sacred Liturgy - Sacrosanctum Concilium
- Declaration on the Relation of the Church to non-christian religions - Nostra Aetate
- Conciliar Decree On the Ministry and Life of Priests - Presbyterorum Ordinis
- The "Unam Santum"
- Is the New Mass (Novus Ordo) a product of Freemasonry?
- Intro to the Catholic Church liberal pages
- Is the Lumen Gentium a doorway to every religion
- An exchange with a liberal "catholic"
- Pope Francis' turbulent papacy
- The culture wars have come to the Catholic Church, what are faithful Catholics to do?
- Is Vatican II full of ambiguities?
- Is Theology of the Body overly sexual?
- Modernism in the Catholic Church
- Disunity among those critical of Vatican II
- Have popes since the council been weak
- Is John Paul II's Theology of the Body (TOB) overly sexual
- New Age
- Relativism
- Do Muslims pray to the same God?
- What is wrong with Liberation Theology?
- Is Communion in the hand unworthy reception?
- Part 1: Richard Rohr's popularity, his strategies to gain credibility and silence objections (This article)
- Part 2: Richard Rohr's views compared to the Bible
- Part 3: Richard Rohr on social and moral issues
- Part 4: Richard Rohr on Catholic doctrine
- Part 5: Richard Rohr and the Great Reset
- Part 6: Richard Rohr and UFOs
- When does life begin?
- David's testimony of abortion
- What's Wrong with Abortion?
- Contraception
- A Woman's Testimony of Abortion
- Dana's Pro-Life Testimony
- Pro-Life Songs
- Abortion Song - Let them Live
- Whose body is it?
- Is it OK to use graphic images in prolife work?
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- The Spiritual Masters, The exponential Growth of the Catholic Church in Relation to Monastic Orders
Pope Benedict's comments unpopular with the press
Other Languages, French, Spanish, German, Polish, Chinese
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Traducción al español: Margot Zunino
Articles Translated to Polish (Polska)
Articles in Bulgarian
- Articles in Bulgarian (14 Articles)