How old is the earth?
Does the Bible allow a free exploration of the natural evidence?

NOTE: We have a separate article on Bible passages used in young earth apologetics.

Many Christians have lost trust in government and academia and are returning to a simple biblical world view that includes a young earth, based on the first chapters of Genesis. This is not a matter of faith and morals, so Catholics are free to believe in a old or a young earth. Jesus said "become as children." (Mat 18:3) Most kids don't know the how old the world is and don't care!

NOTE: The earth's age is about astrophysics. It's not about evolution, which is an incomplete biological theory with unsolved problems.

Creationists concede the debate on scientific "age of earth"

The leading para-church creationist organizations are:

  • Answers in Genesis (AIG)
  • Creation Ministries International (CMI)
  • Institute for Creation Research (ICR)
  • Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation (Catholic)

These organizations have many articles to counter old earth science for Christians who are not immersed in astrophysics, geology or paleontlogy, etc., which is most of us! However, they have all stopped debates with secular scientists. They say there is no use debating a scientist who won't change their position. But that is not the purpose of a debate, its to change the position of the audience, and they simply can't do that in a serious debate. When faced with overwhelming natural evidence for an old earth (i.e., light travelling from other planets), every one of these organizations concede the science debate and respond with a variation of the following:

  1. Early Christians believed in a young earth
  2. Nature & humanity are cursed, fallen. We can't trust nature, science, or scientists
  3. Faulty Bible literacy caused this apostasy and old earth Christians are on that road
  4. Only the Bible can be trusted
  5. The Bible describes creation plainly and factually, God doesn't need to follow laws of physics (Bible has many examples of miracles)

This article is an in-depth examination of each of these serious and thought provoking propositions.

See statements from each of these organizations

AIG lead, Ken Ham says:

The ground is cursed the whole of creation groans in pain. It's a fallen world and I'm a fallen being so looking at a fallen creation and trying to interpret that through my eyes? I can't trust that.

I look through the written Revelation from God and I let it speak to me to the best of my ability and I'm not saying we can do this 100% obviously, but to the best of my ability I want God. This is His word. When we say "what was Moses was trying to say or what do I see". I don't look at it that way. I look at it as Paul said ... this is the word of God, I let god speak to me to the best of my ability, to not try to impose my ideas on Scripture. I let it speak to me...

Creation Ministries International began as a partnership with Ken Ham, before they split. It operates primarily in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. They used to be the "Creation Science Association" but changed their name to "Creation Ministries International". They describe evidencialism vs. presuppositionalism. (Open minded evidence research vs. closed certainty about the meaning of Scripture)

... One’s faith should never be based on specific examples of design, but on God’s Word. Your problem is what my colleague Andrew Lamb called the ‘evidentialist roller coaster’—where one’s faith goes up and down depending on the status of the latest ‘evidence’.... joining CMI and learning about presuppositionalism. That is, the difference between creation and evolution is not about the evidence, but the presuppositions by which we interpret the evidence 

John Morris if the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) also relies on presuppositionalism.

Scripture doesn’t always provide all the details about a given subject, but it does give us “the big picture”—the worldview within which we frame our understanding and studies. Facts by themselves do not speak clearly but must be interpreted within a presupposition set—a worldview. The biblical worldview handles the data better than any other worldview, especially as they relate to unobserved origins questions. source

On the Catholic side, the Kolbe Institute concede that their position on a young earth is not based on science:

.... Father and Doctor of the Church, St. Maximus the Confessor, seems to have been given a profound insight into the spiritual harm that results when Christians allow themselves to be deceived into thinking that the age of the universe can be determined by extrapolation from the order of nature—the Cartesian-Darwinian deception that has become an article of faith for secular and for most of Catholic academia.  (source)

For a scientific discussion, see this paper by an Evangelical particle physicist and this debate between Evangelical Astrophysicist and an ex-Catholic young earth creationist.

(1) Did early Christians believe in a young earth?

Yes, but the Early Church Fathers were not unanimous. Augustine didn't believe that God was making scientific assertions in Genesis. Most Christians believed in a young earth but they also believed in geocentricism. So modern Young Earth Creationist's are unique in history. There are many things early Christians didn't know. (i.e., that North America existed). God is revealing his creation to us gradually.

After geological findings of the 1850's, most of Christendom came to believe in an old earth, including prominent Baptist, Charles H. Spurgeon. The rise of Protestant fundamentalism in the 1920's culminated in Henry M. Morris' Genesis Flood, in 1961, which gave birth to the modern Young Earth Creationist movement, which attempts scientific arguments to defend the traditional narrative. Here's a timeline of beliefs about the age of the earth.

(2) Are Nature and humanity cursed, fallen, can't be trusted?

Academic corruption in science

Aldous Huxley's novel, "Brave New World", had a "Controller of Science" who said “truth’s a menace, science is a public danger.” We acknowledge the politicization of academic scientific funding, and many scientists have been hostile to Christianity.

However, Christianity has had its share of corruption (Judas betrayal, Peter's denial, apostles desertion) and scandals in every era in every denomination.

Scandal in the science world shouldn't cause unconditional denial of a scientific claim, otherwise arguments against Christianity based on corruption would be valid. The weeds and the wheat grow together.

Where are the young earth whistle blowers in science?

There are whistle blowers in every corrupt industry (abortion, euthanasia, the pandemic, etc.) If there was a young earth cover up, we would have heard about it. High level scientists who are Christians, such as Hugh Ross, maintain an old earth view even after they leave their institutions.

Can the devil fool nature into presenting an old earth?

The devil was cast down to earth with his angels before the fall. He is a deceiver who can make snakes appear to talk. He can manifest optical illusions in the sky, electronic phenomenon on radars, depressions in the ground, and abduction experiences, as part of the UFO deception. However, it seems he's limited in scope by God, which is why they've never found a physical part of a UFO.

Would God make a universe that lies?

That would be analogous to me waking up tomorrow saying:

I'm one day old and all my years of memories are a deception

We need to consider the evidence for an old earth.

God does not deceive (Num 23:19, Tit 1:2, Heb 6:18). We can ascertain the Truth about our world in a natural way. Otherwise, God would not give us eyes, ears, and intellect. The Bible did not provide instructions on how to create a water pump or build an airplane. The Lord helps us learn about the world, and most things that keep us alive were discovered using a variation of this method:

scientific method

Here's the official Catholic position:

159. Faith and science: "...methodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws, can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things of faith derive from the same God. The humble and persevering investigator of the secrets of nature is being led, as it were, by the hand of God in spite of himself, for it is God, the conserver of all things, who made them what they are." [Vatican II GS 36:1]

God made the universe with laws of physics which have not changed

Albert Einstein once said that in the laws of nature:

“there is revealed such a superior Reason that everything significant which has arisen out of human thought and arrangement is, in comparison with it, the merest empty reflection.”1

Telescopes see stars dating back to the beginning of time. The laws of physics have been used by God from beginning to end. The Bible compares the certainty of God’s promises to

... the fixed laws of heaven and earth (Jem 33:25).

The Book of Romans 8:21-22 decries the scientific principle of "Enthropy"  (2nd law of thermodynamics):

21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay ...

Ecclesiastes 1 and 3 and Revelation 21 support this.  And old earth makes sense within these laws of physics.

Young earth creationism requires a completely different set of laws

God can and does perform miracles but it seems odd that he would make a 6,000 year old universe look like it is 13.7 billion years old, and which decieves us by following the laws of physics.

This is distinct from miracles where laws of physics are broken (Red Sea, walking on water, Resurrection, etc. ). Jesus' miracles would not be impressive unless there were established immutable laws of physics.

(3) Is widespread apostasy caused by doubting Scripture?

Young earth creationist, Ken Ham uses the "rotten fruit" rationale to defend a young earth:

... In England today two-thirds of young people don't even believe in God by the time they reach college age ... because we've allowed the culture to invade the Church ...

The Evangelical world is experiencing widespread "deconstructionalism" among young earth creationists who apostatize when presented compelling evidence. On the other hand, secular old earthers are alienated from conversion to Christianity when they think it requires a young earth. In truth, there are many causes of apostasy beyond interpretations of the Book of Genesis.

The Bible prophesied this apostasy (Thess 2:7 & Rev 13:15) and it didn't attribute it to our belief in the age of the earth

Are Old Earth Christians at risk of apostasy?

Some Creationists, like Eric Hovind, say that belief in an old earth is a step on the road to apostasy and it displeases God. This is a red flag and kind of creepy. Here are some of the characteristics of a cult.

  1. Convince followers that everyone else is wrong.
  2. Subtlety (or overtly) present one interpretation of the Bible as the plain Gospel.
  3. Present other teachings as a danger to Christianity or society as a whole.
  4. Warn followers to never listen to other doctrines or they will be deceived.

Many Young Earth Creationist leaders say "this is not a salvation issue" but then say its on the road to towards apostasy. Ken Ham takes it a step further and says that your children will grow up thinking the Bible is not accurate.

We wish we didn't witness so much of this type of rhetoric as we watched dozens of hours of Young Earth Creationist lectures and debates preparing this article.

Even if the earth was young, a false idea about an old earth is not a salvation issue, nor is it on the road to apostasy, evidenced by 1600 years of Christians who believed in the now debunked thoery of geocentricism. The famous Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon was an old earther. Today, hundreds of leading spirit filled Evangelicals and Catholics accept an old earth, including Dr. Bill Craig and the famous Evangelical Baptist Bible Scholar, Wesley Huff.

When we surrender to Jesus, our conscience becomes alert. Healthy Christians know if they are displeasing God. Also, the 10 Commandments and the Bible guide us on moral issues. Catholics also have the benefit of magisterial guideposts.

Ironically, "Answers in Genesis" has a video using scientific evidence to convince the resurgent flat earth movement that the world is round. When faced with this evidence, predictably, many flat earthers repeat the same arguments as young earth apologists: (1) The scientists are lying (2) Its a fallen world that can deceive us (3) The Bible backs up a flat earth (4) The Government, the Church and society are trying to control us and they are not to be trusted.

Immoral pursuits vs moral pursuits

If a scientist experiments on unborn babies via IVF, he is sinning and injuring his relationship with Christ, because IVF causes the deaths of 5 day old babies. God said, "Thou shalt not kill" but He did not say "Thou shall not try to figure out how the universe works".

Christians who pursue Truth deepen their relationship with Jesus, who is Truth.

(4) What about the creationist assertion that "only the Bible be trusted", not science, or scientists?

This sentence should be amended:

Can only [our interpretation] of the Bible be trusted?

The Bible can be trusted. However, there are hundreds of denominations based on different interpretations of the Bible and there are PhD programs in biblical hermeneutics. We cover biblical arguments for a young earth in a separate article.

Everything that is in the Bible is true,
but not everything that is true is in the Bible
(see Jn 21:25)

God can be trusted to act outside the Bible (as long as it doesn't conflict with the Bible. He acts in our lives, in humanity, and in nature. Otherwise we could not get an answer to prayer, nor could we discover a cure that is not in the Bible.

Show the Church's official position on the complete inerrancy of the Bible.
  • Vatican I: These books [of the canon] the Church holds to be sacred and canonical, not because, having been composed by human industry, they were afterwards approved by her authority; nor only because they contain revelation without error; but because, having been written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, they have God for their author (De Fide Catholica 2:7).
  • Pope Leo XIII: "it is absolutely wrong and forbidden either to narrow inspiration to certain parts only of Holy Scripture or to admit that the sacred writer has erred" and condemned "the system of those who, in order to rid themselves of these difficulties, do not hesitate to concede that divine inspiration regards the things of faith and morals, and nothing beyond" (Providentissimus Deus 20).
  • Pius XII regarding Pope Leo XIII's quote: "[a] solemn definition of Catholic doctrine, by which such divine authority is claimed for the ‘entire books with all their parts’ as to secure freedom from any error whatsoever." He repudiated those who "ventured to restrict the truth of Sacred Scripture solely to matters of faith and morals" (Divino Afflante Spiritu 1).
  • Vatican II: In composing the sacred books, God chose men and while employed by him they made use of their powers and abilities, so that with him acting in them and through them, they, as true authors, consigned to writing everything and only those things that he wanted. Therefore, since everything asserted by the inspired authors or sacred writers must be held to be asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that the books of Scripture must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully, and without error that truth that God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation (Dei Verbum 11).

Interpretation of Scripture - Genres and Truth

When I (David) lost my voice and my Broadway singing career, I said "I am devastated." Scientific language such as "Chronic Laryngitis" cannot always adequately describe truth. Let's consider a man who is in love.

Man: "Your eyes are radiant pools of light, transporting me to the stars."

Woman: "No, my eyes are globules of protoplasm reflecting the color spectrum onto the back of my retinas, sending the signals to my brain."

Theologians use hermeneutics to ascertain the spiritual principles God was trying to communicate to humanity, and the genre He used (history, allegory, poetry, etc.).

We've been here before: Geocentricism vs Heliocentrism

Catholic traditionalists sometimes defend Geocentricism because the Enlightenment movement that followed Galileo was anti-christian.

Galileo was condemned by the Church for teaching a theory that was contrary to Scripture. Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Wesley also rejected the "Copernican" system (a round world spinning around the sun) that Galileo championed.

"Yes, the world stands firm, never to be moved," 1 Chronicles 16:30b

Young Earth Creationists understand the passages previously used to justify geocentricism were communicating a spiritual truth, not a scientific one. (1 Chron 16:30, Jdg 5:31, Ecles 1:5, Jms 1:11, Psm 93:1, 96:10, 104:5)

Augustine and Aquinas discuss the Bible and science
"one should not try to defend the Christian faith with arguments that are so patently opposed to reason that the faith is made to look ridiculous... irrisio infidelium, the scorn of the unbelievers." St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience.

Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn.

The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of the faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men.... Reckless and incompetent expounders of Holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by these who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books.

For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion.(pp. 42-43,) Commentary on Genesis: Two Books against the Manichees. Augustine (354-430AD) )

He says he ...

... worked out and presented the statements of the book of Genesis in a variety of ways according to my ability; and, in interpreting words that have been written obscurely for the purpose of stimulating our thought, We have not rashly taken my stand on one side against a rival interpretation which might possibly be better. I have thought that each one, in keeping with his powers of understanding, should choose the interpretation that he can grasp. Where he cannot understand Holy Scripture, let him glorify "and fear for himself." (pp. 43-44, ibid)

Do scientific theories come and go?

Successful science theories are mostly iterative and cumulative. Students still learn Newton's laws. The reason we can build skyscrapers is not that we are more intelligent than previous generations, but that we have built on their knowledge.

Our understanding of Scripture is also evolving. For instance, the Trinity was articulated at the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.). Most Young Earth Creationists believe in a PreTrib Rapture which was introduced in 1850 by Thomas Darby.

Catholics trust the Church's Magisterial interpretation of Scripture

We don't think the Bible is always self interpreting. Otherwise there wouldn't be PhD programs in hermeneutics and hundreds of denominations. Catholics defer to Magisterial interpretations when there is confusion on important issues of faith and morals. That is one of the reasons for the Catechism, which is a summary of Catholic teaching.

The Church decided on the Canon of the Bible at the Councils of Hippo (397 AD), Carthage (397AD), and Trent (1546). We have a timeline of how the Bible came to us.

We understand this might sound foreign to Evangelical ears, but it guards our unity, and we trust Jesus guides and guards the Church.

(5) Does the Bible describe creation plainly and factually?

Scripture is infallible but it can get complicated, as evidenced in the geocentricism debate of the 1600's. After the Church accepted heliocentrism, their worse fears came true. The Enlightenment brought apostasy and introduced bad actors who said Scripture is fallible, and espoused life on other planets, which is a demonic deception.

However, the evidence for heliocentrism was overwhelming and is accepted by most Young Earth Creationists today. In this century, we are facing a similar mountain of evidence for an old earth. Augustine said:

God wished difficulties to be scattered through the sacred books inspired by him, in order that we might be urged to read and scrutinize them more intensely, and, experiencing in a salutary manner our own limitations, we might be exercised into submission of mind. (Divino Afflante Spiritu, 45, cf. At. Augustine)

The Bible is to be understood in its integrated unity.

An old earth is consistent with a faithful reading of the Bible

Animal death and carnivores before Adam's fall is biblical

  • The "prince of this world" fell before Adam (Jn 12:31, 2 Cor 4:4, Eph 2:2). The serpent was among the "wild animals" before the fall (Gn 3:1).
  • Satan's fall caused a previously perfect world to grow thistles, carnivores, etc. Satan sinned when he deceived Eve.
  • Eden was created perfect for Adam and Eve, in the midst of this fallen world where satan was "prince".
  • Eden was likely preserved from bad things and carnivorous animals, evidenced by their banishment out of Eden after Adam's fall.
  • Adam's fall caused death and concupiscence to humanity. (Rm 5:12)

The creation account follows the laws of physics.

  • On Day One God created the universe (Gn 1:1), the planets, stars, etc. The earth was covered with clouds and dark atmosphere (Job 38). On Day 4 God cleared the sky over the earth to "let there be light". This is consistent with cosmology.
  • There are 4 meanings of YOM (days), one of which is a long period of time.
  • If dinosaurs lived with humans, the Bible would be full of them. The rare mention of Behemoth, Leviathan, and dragons are easily to rebut as dinosaurs.

We have an in-depth article "Old earth vs young earth in the Bible" where we reconcile a literal reading Genesis with an old earth using the original Greek. Also, Cardinal Ratzinger's reflection on Genesis explores the power of the symbolism in Genesis, which dispels pagan myths about a timeless universe, multiple warring gods, the nature of sin, marriage, and more pagan beliefs. Its role in the Bible is irreplaceable and it points to Jesus' redemption.

Official Catholic Position

  • Bible is infallible Word of God
  • God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) alone created everything out of nothing ("ex nihlo" Latin)
  • He's a good God, He created a good world and the universe is for His glorification.
  • The world had a beginning in time
  • God keeps all created things in existence and providentially protects and guides it
  • The first human, Adam, really did commit original sin and it has been passed to us.
Show the Catechism entry on Genesis (official teaching)

289 Among all the Scriptural texts about creation, the first three chapters of Genesis occupy a unique place. From a literary standpoint these texts may have had diverse sources. The inspired authors have placed them at the beginning of Scripture to express in their solemn language the truths of creation — its origin and its end in God, its order and goodness, the vocation of man, and finally the drama of sin and the hope of salvation. Read in the light of Christ, within the unity of Sacred Scripture and in the living Tradition of the Church, these texts remain the principal source for catechesis on the mysteries of the "beginning": creation, fall, and promise of salvation.

337 God himself created the visible world in all its richness, diversity and order. Scripture presents the work of the Creator symbolically as a succession of six days of divine "work", concluded by the "rest" of the seventh day. On the subject of creation, the sacred text teaches the truths revealed by God for our salvation, permitting us to "recognize the inner nature, the value and the ordering of the whole of creation to the praise of God." See also Chapters 282-289 of the Catechism. (our emphasis added)

On Adam and Eve

390 The account of the fall in Genesis 3 uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man.264Revelation gives us the certainty of faith that the whole of human history is marked by the original fault freely committed by our first parents. Catechism 265

"The faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents." (Humani Generis, 37)

Show non Magisterial statements from popes and others

Issues of science affect the Church but are not the primary domain of the Church. Several Pope's have made statements that are neither infallible nor magisterial.

The International Theological Commission, headed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger who became Pope Benedict XVI, held plenary sessions held in Rome 2000-2002, and wrote a paper "Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God," published July 2004. It sided with an old earth. The full publication is here.

Cardinal Ratzinger wrote a book called "In the Beginning…: A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall", which explores Genesis in depth.

Some of our favourite excerpts:

"... the progress of thought in the last two decades helps us to grasp anew the inner unity of creation and evolution and of faith and reason. It was a particular characteristic of the 19th century to appreciate the historicity of all things and the fact that they came into existence. It perceived that things that we used to consider as unchanging and immutable were the product of a long process of becoming. This was true not only in the realm of the human but also in that of nature. It became evident that the universe was not something like a huge box into which everything was put in a finished state, but that it was comparable instead to a living, growing tree that gradually lifts its branches higher and higher to the sky." Cardinal Ratzinger, In The Beginning: A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall, 1986, 1995

The ancient church and the church of the Middle Ages also knew ... that the Bible is a whole and that we only understand its truth when we understand it with Christ in mind—with the freedom that he bestowed on us and with the profundity whereby he reveals what is enduring through images. Only at the beginning of the modern era was this dynamic forgotten—this dynamic that is the living unity of Scripture, which we can only understand with Christ in the freedom that he gives us and in the certitude that comes from that freedom. The new historical thinking wanted to read every text in itself, in its bare literalness. Its interest lay only in the exact explanation of particulars, but meanwhile it forgot the Bible as a whole. In a word, it no longer read the texts forward but backward—that is, with a view not to Christ but to the probable origins of those texts. People were no longer concerned with understanding what a text said or what a thing was from the aspect of its fulfillment, but from that of its beginning, its source. As a result of this isolation from the whole and of this literal-mindedness with respect to particulars, which contradicts the entire inner nature of the Bible but which was now considered to be the truly scientific approach, there arose that conflict between the natural sciences and theology which has been, up to our own day, a burden for the faith. This did not have to be the case, because the faith was, from its very beginnings, greater, broader, and deeper. Even today faith in creation is not unreal; even today it is reasonable; even from the perspective of the data of the natural sciences it is the “better hypothesis,” offering a fuller and better explanation than any of the other theories. Faith is reasonable. The reasonableness of creation derives from God’s Reason, and there is no other really convincing explanation.

Benedict XVI, Pope. In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT)) (pp. 24-25). (Function). Kindle Edition.

God created the world. The world is not, as people used to think then, a chaos of mutually opposed forces; nor is it the dwelling of demonic powers from which human beings must protect themselves. The sun and the moon are not deities that rule over them, and the sky that stretches over their heads is not full of mysterious and adversary divinities. Rather, all of this comes from one power, from God's eternal Reason, which became -- in the Word -- the power of creation.

The Book of Genesis dispels the Babylonian creation account of Enuma Elish. The world is a dragon’s body, and human beings have dragon’s blood in them. At the very origin of the world lurks something sinister, and in the deepest part of humankind there lies something rebellious, demonic, and evil. In this view of things only a dictator, the king of Babylon, who is the representative of Marduk, can repress the demonic and restore the world to order.

Out of that “Let there be” it was not some haphazard stew that was concocted. The more we know of the universe the more profoundly we are struck by a Reason whose ways we can only contemplate with astonishment. In pursuing them we can see anew that creating Intelligence to whom we owe our own reason. Albert Einstein once said that in the laws of nature “there is revealed such a superior Reason that everything significant which has arisen out of human thought and arrangement is, in comparison with it, the merest empty reflection.”1 In (pg 29)

ME.....John tells us who the Word was, read OT in Unity with NT.

In the Bible this thought goes still further. It lets us know that the rhythm of the heavenly bodies is, more profoundly, a way of expressing the rhythm of the heart and the rhythm of God’s love, which manifests itself there.3

Benedict XVI, Pope. In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT)) (p. 32).

For the Christian the Old Testament represents, in its totality, an advance toward Christ; only when it attains to him does its real meaning, which was gradually hinted at, become clear. Thus every individual part derives its meaning from the whole, and the whole derives its meaning from its end—from Christ. Hence we only interpret an individual text theologically correctly (as the fathers of the church recognized and as the faith of the church in every age has recognized) when we see it as a way that is leading us ever forward, when we see in the text where this way is tending and what its inner direction is.2

ibid (p. 19).

And we are penetrating ever deeper into what is smallest, into the cell and into the primordial units of life; here, too, we discover a Reason that astounds us, such that we must say with Saint Bonaventure: “Whoever does not see here is blind. Whoever does not hear here is deaf. And whoever does not begin to adore here and to praise the creating Intelligence is dumb.”

ibid (p. 30).


God himself shines through the reasonableness of his creation. Physics and biology, and the natural sciences in general, have given us a new and unheard-of creation account with vast new images, which let us recognize the face of the Creator and which make us realize once again that at the very beginning and foundation of all being there is a creating Intelligence. The universe is not the product of darkness and unreason. It comes from intelligence, freedom, and from the beauty that is identical with love.

ibid (pp. 30-31).

numbers that reproduce not the mathematical structure of the universe but the inner design of its fabric, so to say, or rather the idea according to which it was constructed. There the numbers three, four, seven, and ten dominate. The words “God said” appear ten times in the creation account. In this way the creation narrative anticipates the Ten Commandments. This makes us realize that these Ten Commandments are, as it were, an echo of the creation; they are not arbitrary inventions for the purpose of erecting barriers to human freedom but signs pointing to the spirit, the language, and the meaning of creation; they are a translation of the language of the universe, a translation of God’s logic, which constructed the universe.

ibid (pp. 31-32)

The number that governs the whole is seven; in the scheme of seven days it permeates the whole in a way that cannot be overlooked. This is the number of a phase of the moon, and thus we are told throughout this account that the rhythm of our heavenly neighbor also sounds the rhythm of our human life. It becomes clear that we human beings are not bounded by the limits of our own little “I” but that we are part of the rhythm of the universe, that we too, so to speak, assimilate the heavenly rhythm and movement in our own bodies and thus, thanks to this interlinking, are fitted into the logic of the universe.

ibid (p. 32). (

Creation is oriented to the sabbath, which is the sign of the covenant between God and humankind. In a short while we shall have to reflect more closely on this, but for the time being, as a first step, we can draw this conclusion: Creation is designed in such a way that it is oriented to worship. It fulfills its purpose and assumes its significance when it is lived, ever new, with a view to worship. Creation exists for the sake of worship. As Saint Benedict said in his Rule: Operi Dei nihil praeponatur—“Nothing must be put before the service of God.”

ibid (pp. 32-33)

that by it was made all that was made, and that it was the light and the life of humankind. John only needed to take up these formulas and to apply them to him who is the living Word of God, saying that all things were made through him (cf. John 1:3). And even before him Paul had said: “All things were created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16; cf. Colossians 1:15–23). God created the universe in order to be able to become a human being and pour out his love upon us and to invite us to love him in return.

ibid (pp. 34-35)

What we had previously celebrated—namely, that through faith in creation the world has been demythologized and made reasonable; that sun, moon, and stars are no longer strange and powerful divinities but merely lights; that animals and plants have lost their mystic qualities: all this has become an accusation against Christianity.

Benedict XVI, Pope. In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT)) (p. 37). (Function). Kindle Edition.

In the face of all human division and human arrogance, whereby one person sets himself or herself over and against another, humanity is declared to be one creation of God from his one earth. What is said at the beginning is then repeated after the Flood: in the great genealogy of Genesis 10 the same thought reappears—namely, that there is only one humanity in the many human beings. The Bible says a decisive “no” to all racism and to every human division.

Benedict XVI, Pope. In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT)) (p. 44). (Function). Kindle Edition.

I would like to say something very briefly here with reference to Jacques Monod, whose testimony should certainly have great value, since he is on the one hand a highly regarded scientist and on the other a determined opponent of faith in creation.3

(p. 49). ...

We cannot say: creation or evolution, inasmuch as these two things respond to two different realities. The story of the dust of the earth and the breath of God, which we just heard, does not in fact explain how human persons come to be but rather what they are. It explains their inmost origin and casts light on the project that they are. And, vice versa, the theory of evolution seeks to understand and describe biological developments. But in so doing it cannot explain where the “project” of human persons comes from, nor their inner origin, nor their particular nature. To that extent we are faced here with two complementary—rather than mutually exclusive—realities. But let us look a little closer, because here, too, the progress of thought in the last two decades helps us to grasp anew the inner unity of creation and evolution and of faith and reason. It was a particular characteristic of the nineteenth century to appreciate the historicity of all things and the fact that they came into existence. It perceived that things that we used to consider as unchanging and immutable were the product of a long process of becoming. This was true not only in the realm of the human but also in that of nature. It became evident that the universe was not something like a huge box into which everything was put in a finished state, but that it was comparable instead to a living, growing tree that gradually lifts its branches higher and higher to the sky. This common view was and is frequently interpreted in bizarre fashion, but as research advances it is becoming clearer how it is to be correctly understood. I would like to say something very briefly here with reference to Jacques Monod, whose testimony should certainly have great value, since he is on the one hand a highly regarded scientist and on the other a determined opponent of faith in creation.3 Two important and fundamental precisions, which he mentions, seem significant to me to begin with. The first is to the effect that not only what is necessary actually exists. Contrary to the thinking of both Laplace and Hegel, all things in the universe cannot be derived from one another with ineluctable necessity. There is no single all-embracing formula from which everything necessarily derives. According to Monod, there is in the universe not only necessity but also chance. As Christians we would go further and say that there is freedom. In any event, Monod indicates that two realities in particular did not have to exist but could have existed. One of these is life. According to the laws of physics, it could have evolved but did not have to. Indeed, he adds that it was highly unlikely that it would have come about; the mathematical probability was close to zero. Thus one may well assume that this development—the occurrence of life—happened only once, and that this one time was on our earth.4 The second thing that could have existed but that did not have to is the human being. This, too, is so unlikely that Monod, as a natural scientist, claims that on the scale of probability there must have been only one possibility for the coming into existence of this being. We are, he says, the result of chance. It is as if we had drawn a lucky number in the lottery and had suddenly and unexpectedly won a billion dollars.5 In his atheistic parlance Monod has expressed anew what the faith over the centuries has referred to as the “contingence” of the human person, which, then, from faith became prayer: I did not have to exist but I do exist, and you, O God, wanted me to exist. The difference is that in place of God’s will Monod postulates chance—the lottery—as having produced us. If this were so, then it would be very questionable indeed whether one could declare that this was a fortunate outcome.

Benedict XVI, Pope. In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT)) (pp. 48-50). (Function). Kindle Edition.

The question about what the human being is finds its response in the following of Jesus Christ. Following in his steps from day to day in patient love and suffering we can learn with him what it means to be a human being and to become a human being.

Benedict XVI, Pope. In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT)) (p. 53). (Function). Kindle Edition.

One of the bishops reflected on these words and said that he had the impression that we had long ago actually halved Jesus’ message as it is thus summarized. We speak a great deal—and like to speak—about evangelization and the good news in such a way as to make Christianity attractive to people. But hardly anyone, according to this bishop, dares nowadays to proclaim the prophetic message: Repent!

Hardly anyone dares to make to our age this elementary evangelical appeal, with which the Lord wants to induce us to acknowledge our sinfulness, to do penance, and to become other than what we are.

Benedict XVI, Pope. In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall (Ressourcement: Retrieval and Renewal in Catholic Thought (RRRCT)) (p. 57). (Function). Kindle Edition.

In 2008, Professor Michael Heller (Kracow, Poland) is a cosmologist and Catholic priest won the Templeton Prize for Science and religion. He was a friend and confident of Pope John Paul II and held belief in an old earth. Heller would say to non-Christian scientists:

"You and I agree that we live in a rational universe. The difference between you and me, is that I spell rational with a capital "R".

The term "symbolically" in the Catechism makes some Bible believing Evangelicals cringe because that term has been used by liberals to undermine the true-ness of Scripture. However, this is not how its being used, evidenced by the Church's dogma that Adam and Eve were real.

The Church does not define the extent of the "symbolic" but it provides guideposts for later theological development. It could be as simple as the length of a day (Yom).

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