Germain Grisez’s Publications

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Books & Pamphlets

Abortion: The Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments (New York and Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1970).

Beyond the New Morality: The Responsibilities of Freedom, third edition, with Russell Shaw (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988).

Contraception and the Natural Law (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1965).

Contraception . . . Is It Always Wrong? (Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 1965).

Free Choice: A Self-Referential Argument, with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. and Olaf Tollefsen (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1976).

Fulfillment in Christ: A Summary of Christian Moral Principles, with Russell Shaw (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1991).

God: A Philosophical Preface to Faith (South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine’s Press, 2005), reprint with new preface of Beyond the New Theism: A Philosophy of Religion (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1975).

Life and Death with Liberty and Justice: A Contrbution to the Euthanasia Debate, with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1979).

On the Encyclical: The Splendor of Truth, with Russell Shaw (Princeton, N.J.: Scepter, 1994).

Personal Vocation: God Calls Everyone by Name, with Russell Shaw (Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 2003).

Academic Theses

“Thomistic Bases for a Theory of Esthetics,” accepted on or about 17 May 1950 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, John Carroll University; University Heights, Ohio; received magna cum laude, 11 June 1951.

“A Definition of Physical Beauty,” accepted 24 May 1951 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, Dominican College of St. Thomas Aquinas; River Forest, Illinois; received summa cum laude, 9 June 1951.

“Basic Oppositions in Logical Theory,” accepted August 1959 in partial fuflfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Chicago; received 28 August 1959.

Works related to Paul VI’s Commission
on Population, Family, and Birth-rate

From 1965–68, Grisez at times assisted the Rev. John C. Ford, S.J., who served on Pope Paul VI’s famous “birth control” commission and assisted Cardinal Patrick A. O’Boyle, Archbishop of Washington, in dealing with dissent after the publication of Humanae vitae. Several works co-authored by Ford and Grisez, some written by Ford alone, and several never previously published Commission documents are available on this website.

To go to the biography of Father Ford, which provides both the historical context for all of this documentation and links to it,

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Scholarly Articles

“Abortion and Catholic Faith,” American Ecclesiastical Review, 159 (August 1968): 96–115.

“Academic Freedom and Catholic Faith,” National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin, 64:2 (November 1967): 15–20.

“Against Consequentialism,” The American Journal of Jurisprudence, 23 (1978): 21–72.

“An Agenda for Christian Ethics,” in Summons to Faith and Renewal: Christian Renewal in a Post-Christian World, ed. Peter S. Williamson and Kevin Perrotta (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Books, 1983), 157–62.

“An Alternative Theology of Jesus’ Substantial Presence in the Eucharist,” Irish Theological Quarterly, 65 (2000): 111–31.

“American Catholic Higher Education: The Experience Evaluated,” in Why Should the Catholic University Survive? ed. George A. Kelly (New York: St. John’s University Press, 1973), 39–55; discussion, 96–101.

“Are There Exceptionless Moral Norms?” in The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Vatican II: A Look Back and a Look Ahead, ed. Russell A. Smith (Braintree, Mass.: Pope John Center, 1990), 117–35; discussion, 154–62.

“The Basic Principles of Natural Law: A Reply to Ralph McInerny,” with John Finnis, American Journal of Jurisprudence, 26 (1981): 21–31.

“Bioethics and Christian Anthropology,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 1:1 (Spring 2001): 33–38.

“Can Unconscious Factors Influence Every Judgment?” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 35 (1961): 109–117.

“Catholic Faith and Intrinsically Evil Acts,” Proceedings of the First Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (1978): 27–38.

“Charity and Dissenting Theologians,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 80:2 (November 1979): 11–21.

“Choice and Consequentialism,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 51 (1977): 144–52.

“A Christian Ethics of Limiting Medical Treatment: Guidance for Patients, Proxy Decision Makers, and Counselors,” in Bioethical Issues, vol. 2, Pope John Paul II Lecture Series in Bioethics, ed. Francis J. Lescoe and David q. Liptak (New Britain, Conn.: Mariel Publications, 1986), 35–58.

“The Christian Family as Fulfilment of Sacramental Marriage,” Studies in Christian Ethics, 9:1 (Spring 1996): 23–33.

“Christian Moral Theology and Consequentialism,” in Principles of Catholic Moral Life, ed. William E. May (Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1981), 293–327.

“The Christian Philosopher,” in Christian Philosophy and Religious Renewal, ed. George F. McLean, O.M.I. (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1966), 20–36.

“The Concept of Appropriateness: Ethical Considerations in Persuasive Argument,” Journal of the American Forensic Association, 2 (1965): 53–58.

“Conditions for Rightly Assuming the Obligation of Celibacy,” and Italian translation, “Le condizioni per assumere rettamente l’impegno del celibato,” Seminarium, 42:1 (2002): 231–308.

“A Contemporary Natural-Law Ethics,” in Moral Philosophy: Historical and Contemporary Essays, ed. William C. Starr and Richard C. Taylor (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1989), 125–43.

“Contraception and the Infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium,” with John C. Ford, S.J., Theological Studies, 39 (1978): 258–312.

“Contraception, NFP, and the Ordinary Magisterium: An Outline for a Seminar,” International Review of Natural Family Planning, 4:1 (Spring 1980): 50–58.

“The Crisis in Eucharistic Faith,” with Russell Shaw, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 95:5  (February 1995): 16–21.

“A Critique of Two Theological Papers,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review,. 84:10 (July 1984): 10–15.

“Death in Theological Reflection,” in The Dignity of the Dying Person, Proceedings of the Fifth Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, ed. Juan de Dios Vial Correa and Elio Sgreccia (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000), 142–71.

“The Definability of the Proposition: The Intentional Killing of an Innocent Human Being Is Always Grave Matter,” in Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Teologia Morale (Roma, 7–12 aprile 1986), Persona, Verità e Morale, (Rome: Città Nuova Editrice, 1987), 291–313.

“Determinism, Freedom, and Self-Referential Arguments” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. and Olaf Tollefsen, Review of Metaphysics, 26 (1972): 3–37.

“‘Direct’ and ‘Indirect’: A Reply to Critics of Our Action Theory,” with John Finnis and Joseph Boyle, The Thomist, 65 (Jan. 2001): 1–44.

“Do We Work in Vain for Human Life?” International Review of Natural Family Planning, 2:2 (Summer 1978): 112–22.

“The Doctrine of God and the Ultimate Meaning of Human Life,” in The Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics, ed. Alan J. Torrance and Michael Banner (New York: T & T Clark, 2006), 125–37.

“Dualism and the New Morality,” Atti del Congresso Internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino nel suo Settimo Centenario (Roma-Napoli, 17–24 aprile 1974), vol. 5, L’Agire Morale (Naples: Edizioni Domenicane Italiane, 1977), 323–30.

“The Duty and Right to Follow One’s Judgment of Conscience,” in Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Teologia Morale (Roma, 9–12 novembre 1988), “Humanae Vitae”: 20 Anni Dopo (Milan: Edizioni Ares, 1989), 211–22.

“‘Every Marital Act Ought to Be Open to New Life’: Toward a Clearer Understanding,” with Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, and William E. May, Thomist, 52 (1988): 365–426.
“‘Ogni Atto Coniugale Deve Essere Aperto a una Nuova Vita’: Verso una Comprehensione Piú Precisa,” with Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, and William E. May, trans. Margherita Sani, Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropotes, 4 (1988): 73–122.

“Feeding and Hydrating the Permanently Unconscious and Other Vulnerable Persons,” with William E. May and others, Issues in Law and Medicine, 3 (Winter 1987): 203–17.

“The First Principle of Practical Reason: A Commentary on the Summa Theologiae, 1–2, Question 94, Article 2,” Natural Law Forum, 10 (1965): 168–201.
“O primeiro princípio da razâo prática: Um comentário à Summa theologiae, 1–2, Questâo 94, artigo 2,” Revista Direito GV, 3:2 (2007): 179–217.
“El primer principio de la razón práctica: Un comentario al art. 2 de la q. 94 de la I–II de la Suma Teológica de Sto. Tomás,Persona y Derecho, 52 (2005): 275–337.

“The Four Meanings of ‘Christian Philosophy’,” Journal of Religion, 42 (1962): 103–18.

“Health Care as Part of a Christian’s Vocation,” in Issues for a Catholic Bioethic, ed. Luke Gormally (London: Linacre Centre, 1999), 151–58.

“Health Care Technology and Justice,” in Bioethics with Liberty and Justice: Themes in the Work of Joseph M. Boyle, ed. Christopher Tollefsen (New York: Springer, 2011), 221–39.

“Hell and Hope for Salvation,” with Peter F. Ryan, S.J., New Blackfriars, 95 (2014): 606–15.

“History as Argument for Revision in Moral Theology: A Review Discussion,” Thomist, 55 (1991): 103–16..

“How to Deal with Theological Dissent,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review; part 1, 87:2 (November 1986): 19–29; part 2, 87:3  (December 1986): 49–61.

“Human Persons’ True Ultimate End: The Continuity between the Natural End and the Supernatural End,” in Sobre las Relaciones y Límites entre Naturaleza y Gracia: Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Filosofia Tomista, ed. Carlos A. Casanova and Ignacio Serrano del Pozo (Santiago, Chile: RIL, 2016), 499–523; also in Eschatology: Proceedings from the 37th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. Elizabeth C. Shaw (No Location: Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, 2015), 91–122.

“If the Present United States Nuclear Deterrent Is Evil, Its Maintenance Pending Mutual Disarmament Cannot Be Justified,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 5:4 (September 1982): 13–18.

“Incoherence and Consequentialism (or Proportionalism)—A Rejoinder,” with Joseph Boyle and John Finnis, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 64 (1990): 271–77

“Indissoluble Marriage: A Reply to Kenneth Himes and James Coriden,” with Peter F. Ryan, S.J., Theological Studies, 72:2 (June 2011): 369–415.

“Indissolubility, Divorce and Holy Communion: An Open Letter to Archbishop Saier, Bishop Lehmann, and Bishop Kasper,” with John Finnis and William E. May, New Blackfriars, 75 (June 1994): 321–30.

“Infallibility and Contraception: A Reply to Garth Hallett,” Theological Studies, 47 (1986): 134–145.

“Infallibility and Specific Moral Norms: A Review Discussion,” Thomist, 49 (April 1985): 248–287.

“Inspiration and Inerrancy,” Letter and Spirit, 6 (2010): 181–90.

“Kant and Aquinas: Ethical Theory,” Thomist, 21 (1958): 44–78.

“Legalism, Moral Truth, and Pastoral Practice,” Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropotes, 6 (1990): 111–21.

“The Logic of Moral Judgment,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 36 (1962): 67–76.

“Man, Natural End of,” New Catholic Encyclopedia, 9:132–38.

“Marriage: Reflections Based on St. Thomas and Vatican Council II,” Catholic Mind, 64:1204 (June 1966): 4–19.

“Mary and Christian Moral Principles,” Marian Studies, 36 (1985): 40–59.

“Mary, Mother of Jesus: Sketch of a Theology,” New Blackfriars, 78 (October 1997): 418–24.

“Methods of Ethical Inquiry,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 41 (1967): 160–68.

“The Misuse of Amoris Laetitia to Support Errors against the Catholic Faith: A letter to the Supreme Pontiff Francis, to all bishops in communion with him, and to the rest of the Christian Faithful,” introduced by “An Open Letter to Pope Francis,” with John Finnis, First Things Web Exclusive (9 December 2016),; “El Abuso de Amoris Laetitia para apoyar errores contra la Fe católica: Carta al Sumo Pontífice Francisco, a todos los Obispos en comunión con él, y al resto de los fieles cristianos,” trans. Cristóbal Orrego, Infovaticana (9 January 2017),

“Moral Absolutes: A Critique of the View of Josef Fuchs, S.J.,” Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropos (now Anthropotes), 1 (1985): 155–201.

“The Moral Basis of Law,” Thomist, 32 (1968): 283–306.

“The Moral Implications of a Nuclear Deterrent,” Center Journal, 2:1 (Winter 1982): 9–24.

“Moral Objectivity and the Cold War,” Ethics, 70 (1960): 291–305.

“Moral Questions on Condoms and Disease Prevention,” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 8:3 (Autumn 2008): 471–76.

“Moral Systems: The New and the Old,” Faith and Reason, 3:4 (Winter 1977): 65–75.

“Natural Family Planning Is Not Contraception,” International Review of Natural Family Planning, 1:2 (Summer 1977): 121–26.

“Natural Law and Natural Inclinations: Some Comments and Clarifications,” New Scholasticism, 61 (1987): 307–20.

“Natural Law, God, Religion, and Human Fulfillment,” American Journal of Jurisprudence, 46 (2001): 3–36.

“Natural Law and the Transcendent Source of Human Fulfillment,” in Reason, Morality, and Law: The Philosophy of John Finnis, ed. John Keown and Robert P. George (Oxford: Oxford University, 2013), 443–56.

“A New Formulation of a Natural-Law Argument against Contraception,” Thomist, 30 (1966): 343–61.

“On Interpreting Dogmas: A Preliminary Analysis,” Communio, 17 (Spring 1990): 120–26.

“The Ordinary Magisterium’s Infallibility: A Reply to Some New Arguments,” Theological Studies, 55 (1994): 720–32; “Response to Francis Sullivan’s Reply,” 737–38.

“Outline of a Christian Ethics of Life, Sex and Marriage,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 82:11–12 (Aug.-Sept. 1982): 24–28.

“Personal Vocation: A Key to Authentic Renewal of the Church,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 85:7 (April 1985): 10–20.

“Practical Principles, Moral Truth, and Ultimate Ends,” with Joseph Boyle and John Finnis, American Journal of Jurisprudence, 32 (1987): 99–151.

“Practical Reason and Faith,” (Presidential Address) Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 58 (1984): 2–14.

“Public Funding of Abortion: A Reply to Richard A. McCormick,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 85:9 (June 1985): 32, 45–51.

“Reflections on the Contraception Controversy,” American Ecclesiastical Review, 152 (1965): 324–32.

“The Relevance of Metaphysics to Contemporary Unrest,” Metaphilosophy, 1 (1970): 75–79.

“Relevant Philosophical Distinctions,” in L’Avortment: Actes du Xème Colloque International de Sexologie (Louvain; 10–12 mai 1968), 2ème partie (Louvain: Centre International Cardinal Suenens, 1968), 121–25.

“The Right to be Educated—Philosophical Reflections,” in The Right to be Educated, ed. Robert F. Drinan, S.J. (Washington, D.C.: Corpus, 1968), 52–74.

“The Roots of the New Morality,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 75:9 (June 1975): 20–32, 48.

“Should Nutrition and Hydration Be Provided to Permanently Unconscious and Other Mentally Disabled Persons?” Issues in Law and Medicine, 5 (1989): 165–79 (with unauthorized editing).

“Sketch of a Future Metaphysics,” New Scholasticism, 38 (1964): 310–40.

“Sketch of a Projected Book about the Kingdom of God,” with Peter F. Ryan, S.J., in Moral Good, the Beatific Vision, and God’s Kingdom: Writings by Germain Grisez and Peter Ryan, S.J., ed. Peter J. Weigel (New York: Peter Lang, 2015), 149–65.

“Some Thoughts on the Assumption of Mary,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 84:8 (May 1984): 20–23.

“The Structures of Practical Reason: Some Comments and Clarifications,” Thomist, 52 (1988): 269–91.

“Suicide and Euthanasia,” in Death, Dying and Euthanasia, ed. Dennis J. Horan and David Mall (Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America, 1977), 742–817.

“A Tentative Problematic for a Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Thomist, 25  (1962): 537–54.

“The Three German Bishops,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 95:9 (June 1995): 7–10.

“Total Brain Death: A Reply to Alan Shewmon,” with Patrick Lee, Bioethics, 26:5 (June 2012): 275–84.

“Toward a Consistent Natural-Law Ethics of Killing,” American Journal of Jurisprudence, 15 (1970): 64–96.

“Toward a Metaphilosophy,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 37 (1963): 47–70.

“The True Ultimate End of Human Beings: The Kingdom, Not God Alone,” Theological Studies, 69 (2008): 38–61.

“Turmoil in the Church,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 85:2 (November 1984): 12–22.

“Two Views of the Church’s Magisterium,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 88:2 (November 1987): 64–67.

“Unqualified Values and Ethical Decisions,” Philosophy in Context, supplement to 2 (1973): 5–11.

“The Value of a Life: A Sketch,” Philosophy in Context, 2 (1973): 7–15.

Veritatis Splendor: Revealed Truth vs. Dissent,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 94:6 (March 1994): 8–17.

“Vocation in Family Catechesis,” Proceedings of the Fifteenth Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. Anthony J. Mastroeni (Steubenville, Ohio: Franciscan University Edition, 1992), 143–60.

“When Do People Begin?” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 63 (1989): 27–47.

Book Reviews

“A Critique of Russell Hittinger’s Book, A Critique of the New Natural Law Theory,” New Scholasticism, 62 (1988): 438–65.

“Review of Elements of Christian Philosophy by Étienne Gilson,” Thomist, 23 (1960): 448–76.

“Review of Insight: A Study of Human Understanding by B. J. F. Lonergan, S.J.,” Thomist, 21 (1958): 554–60.

Magazine and Newspaper Articles

“Catholic Morality—Hard Sayings or Good News,” Lay Witness, 3:8 (October 1989): 7–10.

“The Church Betrayed?” Catholic World Report, 18:4 (April 2008): 20–24.

“Contraception and Reality,” Triumph, February 1967, 21–24; March 1967, 18–21; April 1967, 27–30.

“ ‘Curran, Dissent, and Rome’—A Contribution to a Symposium,” Catholicism in Crisis, 4:5 (May 1986): 12–13.

“Divorce: Rational Ethics Says, ‘No’,” Commonweal, 14 April 1967, 122–25.

“Faith, Philosophy, and Fidelity,” Fidelity, 3:8 (July 1984): 18–23.

“Has the Sacrament Become Just a Symbolic Reminder?” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 28 August 1994, 5.

“Is ‘Safe Sex’ a Lesser Evil? What the Bishops Really Said—and Did,” Crisis, 6:2 (February 1988): 10–13.

“Lying and Other Deceptions in Communications Are Always Wrong,” New Oxford Review, 57:8 (October 1990): 19–22.

“Sin, Grace, and Zero Tolerance: An Exchange,” with a reply by Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., First Things, 151 (Mar. 2005): 27–36.

“Ten Theses on the Resurrection of Our Lord,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 7:2 (March 1984): 9.

Thirteen columns published in The National Catholic Reporter, with Jeannette Grisez, 22 November 1985 –22 January 1988.

“This Life and Life Everlasting,” Mountaineer Briefing (Commencement 1987): 12–13.

Veritatis Splendor in Focus: 1: Revelation versus Dissent,” The Tablet (London), 16 October 1993, 1329–31.

Previously Unpublished

“Against Consequentialism,” the 1975 manuscript accepted for inclusion by Paul Ramsey and Richard McCormick in their book, Doing Evil to Achieve Good but eventually excluded from it “for want of sufficient space.” Significant revisions were made prior to publication of the article in 1978 by American Journal of Jurisprudence

“An Alternative Theology of Jesus’ Substantial Presence in the Eucharist,” original manuscript submitted in July 1999 to Irish Theological Quarterly, prior to substantial cuts required for publication.

“The Call to Holiness and Personal Vocation,” a lecture delivered on 16 October 2004 at a conference on personal vocation presented by the Newman Centre of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

“Capital Punishment and an Appellate Judge’s Responsibility,” a memorandum prepared at the request of an American, federal, appellate judge; discussed with him 21 August 1998.

“Christian Morality: Old Morality or New Morality?” a 1973 manuscript refuting the views of theologians dissenting from received Catholic moral teachings, in the form of a critique of Joseph Fuchs’ essay, “The Absoluteness of Moral Terms.” There are few similarities between this manuscript’s analysis and argumentation and those of the critique of Fuchs published in 1985 in Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropos (now Anthropotes).

“Comments on Life in Christ: Morals, Communion and the Church” (an agreed statement by ARCIC II), comments drafted in 1997.

“The Death Penalty: Should It Be Abolished?” draft prepared (at the request of John E. Cosgrove, Director of the Division for Urban Affairs) for the Committee on Social Development and World Peace of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; 7 July 1974.

“The Derivation of the Modes of Responsibility and Moral Absolutes,” a programmatic paper written for colleagues, 19 October 1987.

“Evil Is a Privation; Suffering In Not Evil,” an outline for a class in a course, Suffering and the Problem of Evil, taught at Mount St. Mary's University; Emmitsburg, Maryland; fall 2004.

“Fidelity and Intimacy,” a lecture frequently delivered and often revised, first published here in the form in which it was last delivered on 22 October 2001.

First draft of Christian Moral Principles— volume one of The Way of the Lord Jesus. This first draft, written 18 July 1979—21 April 1980, greatly differs from the final draft of the volume, published in 1983, which is accessible by clicking on the Vol. 1 tab in the ribbon at the top of this page.

“Human Free Choice and Divine Causality,” Edith Stein Lecture, Franciscan University of Steubenville; 29 March 2000.

Letter to John C. Ford, S.J. (17 May 1968), an account of an extraordinary experience that affected all of Grisez’s subsequent work.

“Metaphysical Method, Principles, and Consequences,” an outline for a colloquium with other professional philosophers; date estimated 1975–78.

“No Other Gospel,” an address delivered in the Seventh Annual National Wanderer Forum; St. Paul, Minnesota; 19 June 1971.

“The Problem of Evil and Divine Incomprehensibility,” an introduction to the course, Suffering and the Problem of Evil, taught at Mount St. Mary's University; Emmitsburg, Maryland; fall 2004.

“Radical Thoughts on Nuclear Deterrence,” a lecture sponsored by the Department of Theology, Mount Saint Mary’s College; 27 April 1982.

“The Restless-Heart Blunder,” the 2005 Aquinas Lecture; Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas; Houston, Texas.

“Some Critical Notes on Russell Hittinger’s Book, A Critique of the New Natural Law Theory, the full set of notes Grisez completed in January 1988 and used in preparing his brief review of this book.

“Some Notes on Human Will and Divine Goodness,” notes made on 5 January 1987, while beginning to write “The Restless-Heart Blunder,” listed above.

“Some Reflections on the Historical-Critical Approach to Scripture,” a contribution to a private discussion on 17 November 1984 by a group of about thirty Catholic scholars who met annually during the 1980s to consider various theological topics.

“Specifically Christian Moral Norms”; outlines for discussions with Catholic theologians and Christian philosophers; single-page version, 12 June 1986; four-page version, 6 March 1987.

“Submission to the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops” (6 May 2002), suggestions for dealing with clerical sexual offenses and minimizing their future likelihood.

“Suggested Theses for the Instruction on Some Fundamental Questions in Moral Theology,” submitted in January 1988 to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in response to its request.

“Thoughts on the Appropriate Response to Terrorism,” ethical considerations regarding public policy shared soon after 11 September 2001 with some Catholic bishops and many Catholic philosophers and theologians.

“Thoughts on the Make-up of a Human Person,” e-mail exchange with John Finnis, 26–28 March 2004.

“Vatican II Documents: Notes for Opening Lecture,” notes for a lecture on the Council to introduce a course on its documents.

“Vietnam: A Radical View,” a lecture delivered at Georgetown University in December 1967 and submitted early in 1968 to several Catholic periodicals, all of which refused to publish it.

Books & Pamphlets (most co-authored)

Contraception and the Natural Law (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1964), xiii + 245.

Contraception . . . Is It Always Wrong? (Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 1965), 30.

Abortion: The Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments (New York and Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1970), ix + 559. Spanish edition: El aborto: mitos, realidades y argumentos, trans. Luis Bittini (Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme, 1972), 717.

Beyond the New Morality: The Responsibilities of Freedom, with Russell Shaw (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1974), xix + 220; revised edition, 1980, xix + 232; third edition, 1988, xi + 256; Spanish translation: Ser Persona: Curso de Ética, trans. Manuel Alcázar García (Madrid: Ediciones Rialp, 1993), 233.

Beyond the New Theism: A Philosophy of Religion (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1975), xiii + 418; reprinted with a new preface (pp. xv–xxvi): God: A Philosophical Preface to Faith (South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine’s Press, 2005), xxvi + 418.

The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults, with sixteen coauthors, ed. Ronald Lawler, O.F.M. Cap., Donald W. Wuerl, and Thomas Comerford Lawler (Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 1976), 640; abridged edition, 1979; 2nd ed., 1983; 3rd ed., 1991; 4th ed., 1995; 5th ed., 2005—together with thirteen translations and several derivative publications.

Free Choice: A Self-Referential Argument, with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. and Olaf Tollefsen (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1976), xi + 207.

Life and Death with Liberty and Justice: A Contribution to the Euthanasia Debate, with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1979), xiii + 521.

A Grisez Reader for Beyond the New Morality: Germain Grisez and Russell Shaw (selections from unpublished and previously published works), ed. Joseph H. Casey, S.J. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982), 212.

The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. one, Christian Moral Principles, with the help of Joseph M. Boyle Jr., Basil Cole, O.P., John M. Finnis, John A. Geinzer, Jeannette Grisez, Robert G. Kennedy, Patrick Lee, William E. May, and Russell Shaw (Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1983), xxxiii + 971; in CD-ROM disk, Welcome to the Catholic Church: Bringing You Closer to Your Faith, ed. William van Smoorenburg (Gervais, Oregon: Harmony Media, 1996, 1997).

Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism, with John Finnis and Joseph M. Boyle Jr. (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), xv + 429; chap. 10 reprinted (with unindicated editing) in Readings in Moral Theology, No. 11, The Historical Development of Fundamental Moral Theology in the United States, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J. (New York: Paulist, 1999), 200–218.

The Teaching of “Humanae Vitae”: A Defense (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1988), “General Introduction,” 7–32; reprint (33–116) of “‘Every Marital Act Ought to Be Open to New Life’: Toward a Clearer Understanding” (with Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, and William E. May) and (117–219) “Contraception and the Infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium” (with John C. Ford, S.J.). One section of “Every Marital Act . . .” (81–92) was reprinted from this book as “9. NFP: Not Contralife” in Readings in Moral Theology, No. 8: Dialogue about Catholic Sexual Teaching, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J. (New York: Paulist, 1993), 126–34.

Fulfillment in Christ: A Summary of Christian Moral Principles, with Russell Shaw (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1991), xvii + 456; trans. Charles J. Merrill: La Vida Realizada en Cristo (Madrid : Ediciones Palabra, 2009), 443.

The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 2, Living a Christian Life, with the help of Joseph Boyle, Jeannette Grisez, Russell Shaw, and others (Quincy, Ill.: Franciscan Press, 1993), xxiii + 950; in CD-ROM disk, Welcome to the Catholic Church: Bringing You Closer to Your Faith, ed. William van Smoorenburg (Gervais, Oregon: Harmony Media, 1996, 1997).

The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, with the help of Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, Jeannette Grisez, Russell Shaw, and others (Quincy, Ill.: Franciscan Press, 1997), xxxi + 927; in CD-ROM disk, Welcome to the Catholic Church: Bringing You Closer to Your Faith, ed. William van Smoorenburg (Gervais, Oregon: Harmony Media, 1997).

Personal Vocation: God Calls Everyone by Name, with Russell Shaw (Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 2003), 169.

Scholarly Articles

“References to Beauty in St. Thomas,” Modern Schoolman, 29 (1951): 43–44.

“Kant and Aquinas: Ethical Theory,” Thomist, 21 (1958): 44–78; reprinted in Great Political Thinkers 4: Aquinas, ed. John Dunn and Ian Harris (Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar, 1997), 206–40.

“Moral Objectivity and the Cold War,” Ethics, 70 (1960): 291–305.

“Étienne Gilson, Elements of Christian Philosophy” (review article), Thomist, 23 (1960): 448–76.

“Can Unconscious Factors Influence Every Judgment?” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 35 (1961): 109–117.

“The Four Meanings of ‘Christian Philosophy’,” Journal of Religion, 42 (1962): 103–18.

“A Tentative Problematic for a Philosophy of the Social Sciences,” Thomist, 25 (1962): 537–54.

“The Logic of Moral Judgment,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 36 (1962): 67–76.

“Toward a Metaphilosophy,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 37 (1963): 47–70.

“Sketch of a Future Metaphysics,” New Scholasticism, 38 (1964): 310–40.

“The Concept of Appropriateness: Ethical Considerations in Persuasive Argument,” Journal of the American Forensic Association, 2 (1965): 53–58.

“The First Principle of Practical Reason: A Commentary on the Summa Theologiae, 1–2, Question 94, Article 2,” Natural Law Forum, 10 (1965): 168–201; abridged (partly without authorization) in Modern Studies in Philosophy: Aquinas: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Anthony Kenny (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1969), 340–82; reprinted unabridged in The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory: Natural Law, vol. 1, ed. John Finnis (Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing; New York: New York University Press, 1991), 191–224; reprinted unabridged in Great Political Thinkers 4: Aquinas, ed. John Dunn and Ian Harris (Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar, 1997), 393–426; Spanish translation: “El primer principio de la razón práctica: Un comentario al art. 2 de la q. 94 de la I–II de la Suma Teológica de Sto. Tomás,Persona y Derecho, 52 (2005): 275–337; Portuguese translation: “O primeiro princípio da razâo prática: Um comentário à Summa theologiae, 1–2, Questâo 94, artigo 2,” Revista Direito GV, 3:2 (2007): 179–217.

“Reflections on the Contraception Controversy,” American Ecclesiastical Review, 152 (1965): 324–32; reprinted in the Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 39 (1965): 176–83.

“Marriage: Reflections Based on St. Thomas and Vatican Council II,” Catholic Mind, 64:1204 (June 1966): 4–19.

“The Christian Philosopher,” in Christian Philosophy and Religious Renewal, ed. George F. McLean, O.M.I. (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1966), 20–36.

“A New Formulation of a Natural-Law Argument against Contraception,” Thomist, 30 (1966): 343–61.

“Good, the Supreme,” New Catholic Encyclopedia, 6:620–21.

“Man, Natural End of,” New Catholic Encyclopedia, 9:132–38; reprinted in Moral Good, the Beatific Vision, and God’s Kingdom: Writings by Germain Grisez and Peter Ryan, S.J., ed. Peter J. Weigel (New York: Peter Lang, 2015), 1–16.

“Methods of Ethical Inquiry,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 41 (1967): 160–68; reprinted in New Dynamics in Ethical Thinking, ed. George F. McLean, O.M.I. (Lancaster, Pa.: Concorde, 1974), 99–107.

“Academic Freedom and Catholic Faith,” National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin, 64:2 (November 1967): 15–20.

“Relevant Philosophical Distinctions,” in L’Avortment: Actes du Xème Colloque International de Sexologie (Louvain; 10–12 mai 1968), 2ème partie (Louvain: Centre International Cardinal Suenens, 1968), 121–25.

“The Moral Basis of Law,” Thomist, 32 (1968): 283–306

“Abortion and Catholic Faith,” American Ecclesiastical Review, 159 (August 1968): 96–115.

“The Right to be Educated—Philosophical Reflections,” in The Right to be Educated, ed. Robert F. Drinan, S.J. (Washington, D.C.: Corpus, 1968), 52–74.

“The Relevance of Metaphysics to Contemporary Unrest,” Metaphilosophy, 1 (1970): 75–79.

“Toward a Consistent Natural-Law Ethics of Killing,” American Journal of Jurisprudence, 15 (1970): 64–96.

“Determinism, Freedom, and Self-Referential Arguments,” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. and Olaf Tollefsen, Review of Metaphysics, 26 (1972): 3–37.

“The Value of a Life: A Sketch,” Philosophy in Context, 2 (1973): 7–15.

“Unqualified Values and Ethical Decisions,” Philosophy in Context, supplement to 2 (1973): 5–11.

“American Catholic Higher Education: The Experience Evaluated,” in Why Should the Catholic University Survive? ed. George A. Kelly (New York: St. John’s University Press, 1973), 39–55; discussion, 96–101.

“Abortion: Ethical Arguments,” reprinted from Abortion: The Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments, 287–90, 304–7, 315–21, 333–34, 340–46, in Today’s Moral Problems, ed. Richard Wasserstrom (London and New York: Macmillan and Collier-Macmillan, 1975), 83–104.

“The Roots of the New Morality,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 75:9 (June 1975): 20–32, 48.

“Dualism and the New Morality,” Atti del Congresso Internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino nel suo Settimo Centenario (Roma-Napoli, 17–24 aprile 1974), vol. 5, L’Agire Morale (Naples: Edizioni Domenicane Italiane, 1977), 323–30.

“Suicide and Euthanasia,” in Death, Dying and Euthanasia, ed. Dennis J. Horan and David Mall (Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America, 1977), 742–817.

“Abortion in the Soviet Union,” adapted from Abortion: The Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments, 194–200, 494–95, Human Life Review, 3:3 (Summer 1977): 71–79.

“Natural Family Planning Is Not Contraception,” International Review of Natural Family Planning, 1:2 (Summer 1977): 121–26; reprinted: 5:4 (Winter 1981): 244–49.

“Moral Systems: The New and the Old,” Faith and Reason, 3:4 (Winter 1977): 65–75.

“Choice and Consequentialism,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 51 (1977): 144–52.

“An Alternative to ‘Death with Dignity’,” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr., Human Life Review, 4:1 (Winter 1978): 26–43.

“Contraception and the Infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium,” with John C. Ford, S.J., Theological Studies, 39 (1978): 258–312; an unauthorized German translation was published as a pamphlet: Das unfehlbare ordentliche Lehramt der Kirche zur Empfängnisverhütung, trans. and epilogue by Rhaban Haacke, O.S.B. (Siegburg: Verlag Fr. Schmitt, 1980).

“Do We Work in Vain for Human Life?” International Review of Natural Family Planning, 2:2 (Summer 1978): 112–22.

“Life, Death and Liberty,” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr., Human Life Review, 4:4 (Fall 1978): 46–70.

“Catholic Faith and Intrinsically Evil Acts,” Proceedings of the First Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (1978): 27–38.

“The Liberty to Stand Aloof,” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr., Human Life Review, 5:1 (Winter 1979): 80–88.

“Against Consequentialism,” American Journal of Jurisprudence, 23 (1978): 21–72; reprinted in The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory: Natural Law, vol. 2, ed. John Finnis (Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing; New York: New York University Press, 1991), 3–54.

“Charity and Dissenting Theologians,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 80:2 (November 1979): 11–21; reprinted in International Review of Natural Family Planning, 4:3 (Fall 1980): 252–62.

“Contraception, NFP, and the Ordinary Magisterium: An Outline for a Seminar,” International Review of Natural Family Planning, 4:1 (Spring 1980): 50–58.

“Christian Moral Theology and Consequentialism,” in Principles of Catholic Moral Life, ed. William E. May (Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1981), 293–327. Spanish edition: “Teologia Moral Cristiana y Consecuencialismo,” in Principios de Vida Moral, trans. Augusto Sarmiento (Barcelona: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, 1990), 187–206.

“The Basic Principles of Natural Law: A Reply to Ralph McInerny,” with John Finnis, American Journal of Jurisprudence, 26 (1981): 21–31; reprinted in The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory: Natural Law, vol. 1, ed. John Finnis (Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing; New York: New York University Press, 1991), 341–51; Readings in Moral Theology No. 7: Natural Law and Theology, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J. (New York: Paulist, 1991), 157–70.

“Social Insecurity,” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr., Human Life Review, 8:2 (Spring 1982): 30–50; reprinted from Life and Death with Liberty and Justice: A Contribution to the Euthanasia Debate, 4–18, 464–67.

“Outline of a Christian Ethics of Life, Sex and Marriage,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 82:11–12 (August-September 1982): 24–28.

“The Moral Implications of a Nuclear Deterrent,” Center Journal, 2:1 (Winter 1982): 9–24.

“A Natural Law Theory,” with Russell Shaw in Right Conduct: Theories and Applications, ed. Michael D. Bayles and Kenneth Henley (New York: Random House, 1983), 30–38; 2nd ed. (1989), “A Contemporary Account of the Virtuous Life,” 33–42; reprinted from Beyond the New Morality, 1st ed., 88, 90–91, 108–14, 118–21, 128–33.

“Euthanasia,” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. in Right Conduct: Theories and Applications, ed. Michael D. Bayles and Kenneth Henley (New York: Random House, 1983), 156–64; 2nd ed. (1989), 176–184; reprinted from Life and Death with Liberty and Justice: A Contribution to the Euthanasia Debate, 393–94, 412–19.

“An Agenda for Christian Ethics,” in Summons to Faith and Renewal: Christian Renewal in a Post-Christian World, ed. Peter S. Williamson and Kevin Perrotta (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Books, 1983), 157–62.

“Some Thoughts on the Assumption of Mary,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 84:8 (May 1984): 20–23.

“A Critique of Two Theological Papers,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 84:10 (July 1984): 10–15; reprinted in Congressional Record, 130:94 (24 July 1984): E 3264–66.

“Faith, Philosophy, and Fidelity,” Fidelity, 3:8 (July 1984): 18–23.

“Abortion: Ethical Arguments,” in Moral Dilemmas: Readings in Ethics and Social Philosophy, ed. Richard L. Purtill (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1984), 141–52; reprinted from Abortion: The Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments, 287–90, 304–7, 315–21, 333–34, 340–46.

“Turmoil in the Church,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 85:2 (November 1984): 12–22; published in translation: “La Tentación del Neo-gnosticismo,” Servicio de Documentación Montalegre, 233 (13–19 March 1989): 1–14.

“Practical Reason and Faith” (Presidential Address), Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 58 (1984): 2–14.

“Ethical Arguments,” in Ethics: Theory and Practice, ed. Manuel Velasquez and Cynthia Rostankowski (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1985), 54–64; reprinted from Abortion: The Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments, 287, 293–94, 310–21, 329–30, 333–34.

“Suicide and Causing One’s Own Death,” with Joseph M. Boyle Jr. in Ethics: Theory and Practice, ed. Manuel Velasquez and Cynthia Rostankowski (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1985), 218–21; reprinted from Life and Death with Liberty and Justice: A Contribution to the Euthanasia Debate, 393, 407, 408–12.

“Personal Vocation: A Key to Authentic Renewal of the Church,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 85:7 (April 1985): 10–20.

“Infallibility and Specific Moral Norms: A Review Discussion,” Thomist, 49 (April 1985): 248–287; abridged: “Infallibility and Specific Moral Norms: A Reply to Francis A. Sullivan, S.J.,” Proceedings of the Eighth Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (1985): 81–94; reprinted unabridged in Readings in Moral Theology, No. 6: Dissent in the Church, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J. (New York: Paulist, 1988), 58–96.

“Public Funding of Abortion: A Reply to Richard A. McCormick,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 85:9 (June 1985): 32, 45–51.

“Moral Absolutes: A Critique of the View of Josef Fuchs, S.J.,” Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropos (now Anthropotes), 1 (1985): 155–201.

“Mary and Christian Moral Principles,” Marian Studies, 36 (1985): 40–59.

“Infallibility and Contraception: A Reply to Garth Hallett,” Theological Studies, 47 (1986): 134–145.

“How to Deal with Theological Dissent,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review; part 1, 87:2 (November 1986): 19–29; part 2, 87:3 (December 1986): 49–61; reprinted: Christian Order, “Theological Dissent 1: Its Genesis,” 28 (March 1987): 136–50; “Theological Dissent 2: Dealing with Dissent,” 28 (April 1987): 237–53; Readings in Moral Theology, No. 6: Dissent in the Church, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J. (New York: Paulist, 1988), 442–72.

“A Christian Ethics of Limiting Medical Treatment: Guidance for Patients, Proxy Decision Makers, and Counselors,” in Bioethical Issues, vol. 2, Pope John Paul II Lecture Series in Bioethics, ed. Francis J. Lescoe and David q. Liptak (New Britain, Conn.: Mariel Publications, 1986), 35–58.

“Feeding and Hydrating the Permanently Unconscious and Other Vulnerable Persons,” with William E. May and others, Issues in Law and Medicine, 3 (Winter 1987): 203–17; reprinted in Quality of Life: The New Medical Dilemma, ed. James J. Walter and Thomas A. Shannon (New York: Paulist, 1990), 195–202.

“Natural Law and Natural Inclinations: Some Comments and Clarifications,” New Scholasticism, 61 (1987): 307–20.

“Two Views of the Church’s Magisterium,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 88:2 (November 1987): 64–67.

“Practical Principles, Moral Truth, and Ultimate Ends,” with Joseph Boyle and John Finnis, American Journal of Jurisprudence, 32 (1987): 99–151; reprinted in The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory: Natural Law, vol. 1, ed. John Finnis (Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing; New York: New York University Press, 1991), 236–89.

“The Definability of the Proposition: The Intentional Killing of an Innocent Human Being Is Always Grave Matter,” in Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Teologia Morale (Roma, 7–12 aprile 1986), Persona, Verità e Morale, (Rome: Città Nuova Editrice, 1987), 291–313.

“The Structures of Practical Reason: Some Comments and Clarifications,” Thomist, 52 (1988): 269–91.

“‘Every Marital Act Ought to Be Open to New Life’: Toward a Clearer Understanding,” with Joseph Boyle, John Finnis, and William E. May, Thomist, 52 (1988): 365–426; published in translation: “‘Ogni Atto Coniugale Deve Essere Aperto a una Nuova Vita’: Verso una Comprehensione Piú Precisa,” trans. Margherita Sani, Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropotes, 4 (1988): 73–122.

“A Critique of Russell Hittinger’s Book, A Critique of the New Natural Law Theory,” New Scholasticism, 62 (1988): 438–65.

“The Duty and Right to Follow One’s Judgment of Conscience,” in Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Teologia Morale (Roma, 9–12 novembre 1988), “Humanae Vitae”: 20 Anni Dopo (Milan: Edizioni Ares, 1989), 211–22; reprinted: Linacre Quarterly, 56:1 (February 1989); 13–23; Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 89:7 (April 1989): 10–20; in Readings in Moral Theology, No. 11, The Historical Development of Fundamental Moral Theology in the United States, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J., (New York: Paulist, 1999), 267–80; reprinted in part: “Über die Pflicht und das Recht, dem eigenen Gewissensurteil zu folgen,” Theologisches, 19 (March 1989): 120–28; “L’incohérence des pasteurs,” Catholica, 11 (December 1988): 24–27; “The Inconsistency of the Pastors,” Catholica (Eng. ed.): 8 (Winter 1989): 23–24; “The Magisterium’s Responsibility and Public Dissent,” Proceedings of the Thirteenth Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. Eugene V. Clark (New York: St. John’s University Press, 1991): 155–60; “The Inconsistency of the Pastors,” Faith, 23:3 (July-August 1991): 10–11.

“A Contemporary Natural-Law Ethics,” in Moral Philosophy: Historical and Contemporary Essays, ed. William C. Starr and Richard C. Taylor (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1989), 125–43; reprinted in: The Gift of Life: The Proceedings of a National Conference on the Vatican Instruction on Reproductive Ethics and Technology, ed. Marilyn Wallace, R.S.M., and Thomas W. Hilgers (Omaha: Pope Paul VI Institute Press, 1990), 61–76.

“Should Nutrition and Hydration Be Provided to Permanently Unconscious and Other Mentally Disabled Persons?” Issues in Law and Medicine, 5 (1989): 165–79 (with unauthorized editing); reprinted without unauthorized editing: Linacre Quarterly, 57:2 (May 1990): 30–43.

“When Do People Begin?” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 63 (1989): 27–47; slightly revised and reprinted in Abortion: A New Generation of Catholic Responses, ed. Stephen J. Heaney (Braintree, Mass.: The Pope John Center, 1992), 3–27.

“On Interpreting Dogmas: A Preliminary Analysis,” Communio, 17 (Spring 1990): 120–26.

“Legalism, Moral Truth, and Pastoral Practice,” Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropotes, 6 (1990): 111–21; reprinted with unauthorized editing in The Catholic Priest as Moral Teacher and Guide (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990), 97–113.

“Incoherence and Consequentialism (or Proportionalism)—A Rejoinder,” with Joseph Boyle and John Finnis, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 64 (1990): 271–77.

“History as Argument for Revision in Moral Theology: A Review Discussion,” Thomist, 55 (1991): 103–16.

“Are There Exceptionless Moral Norms?” in The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Vatican II: A Look Back and a Look Ahead, ed. Russell A. Smith (Braintree, Mass.: Pope John Center, 1990), 117–35; discussion, 154–62.

“Vocation in Family Catechesis,” Proceedings of the Fifteenth Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. Anthony J. Mastroeni (Steubenville, Ohio: Franciscan University Edition, 1992), 143–60.

Veritatis Splendor in focus: 1: Revelation versus dissent,” Tablet (London), 16 October 1993, 1329–31; reprinted: “Revelation versus Dissent,” in Understanding Veritatis Splendor: The Encyclical of John Paul II on the Church’s Moral Teaching, ed. John Wilkins (London: SPCK, 1994), 1–8; reprinted in Readings in Moral Theology, No. 10: John Paul II and Moral Theology, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J., (New York: Paulist Press, 1998), 35–41.

On the Encyclical: The Splendor of Truth, with Russell Shaw (Princeton, N.J.: Scepter, 1994), 23.

“II: Persons, Means, and Ends,” with Russell Shaw, in Absolutism and Its Consequentialist Critics, ed. Joram Graf Haber (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1994), 21–28; reprinted from Beyond the New Morality, 3rd ed., 129–38.

Veritatis Splendor: Revealed Truth vs. Dissent,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 94:6 (March 1994): 8–17.

“Open Letter to Three German Bishops,” with John Finnis and William E. May, supplement to HLI Reports (April 1994): 7–10; “Indissolubility, Divorce and Holy Communion: An Open Letter to Archbishop Saier, Bishop Lehmann, and Bishop Kasper,” New Blackfriars, 75 (June 1994): 321–30; “Letter to Archbishop Saier, Bishop Lehmann, and Bishop Kasper,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 17:3 (June 1994): 20–27; “Lettre ouverte à NN. SS. Oskar Saier, Karl Lehmann et Walter Kasper, au suject de l’admission à la communion eucharistique des divorc‘remariés’,” Catholica, 44 (June 1994): 59–70; “Offener Brief an Herrn Erzbischof Dr. Oskar Saier, Bischof Dr. Karl Lehmann und Bischof Dr. Walter Kasper,” Theologisches, 24:6 (June 1994): 289–96; “Indissolubility, Divorce, and Holy Communion: An open letter to three German bishops regarding their pastoral statement on the admission of divorced Catholics to the sacraments,” The Catholic World Report, 4:10 (November 1994): 54–58; “List G. Griseza, J. M. Finnisa i W. E. Maya do trzech biskupów niemieckich,” Ethos, 7:4 (December 1994): 243–253.

“The Ordinary Magisterium’s Infallibility: A Reply to Some New Arguments,” Theological Studies, 55 (1994): 720–32; “Response to Francis Sullivan’s Reply,” 737–38.

“What Is the Practical, Ecclesial Significance of the Three German Bishops’ Initiative Regarding Pastoral Ministry to the Divorced and ‘Remarried’?” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 17:3 (June 1994): 27–30; “O praktycznym, koscielnym znaczeniu inicjatywy trzech biskupów niemieckich dotyczacej poslugi pastoralnej wobec rozwiedzionych i ’tych, którzy ponownie zawarli zwiazek malzenski’,” Ethos, 7:4 (December 1994): 254–258; “Die ekklesiologische Tragweite der pastoralen Initiative der drei Bischöfe der oberrheinischen Kirchenprovinz über die Seelsorge der geschiedenen und wiederverheirateten Gläubigen,” Theologisches, 24/25:12/1 (December/January 1994–95): 15–20; “The Three German Bishops,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 95:9 (June 1995): 7–10.

“The Crisis in Eucharistic Faith,” with Russell Shaw, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 95:5 (February 1995): 16–21.

“Is It Wrong to Wish for Death?” Linacre Quarterly, 62:2 (May 1995): 30–35.

“Counseling the Parents of Gays,” The Priest, 51:7 (July 1995): 29–34.

“Difficult Moral Questions: How Far May Catholic Hospitals Cooperate with Non-Catholic Providers?” Linacre Quarterly, 62:4 (November 1995): 67–72.

“The Christian Family as Fulfilment of Sacramental Marriage,” Rivista di Studi sulla Persona e la Famiglia: Anthropotes, 11 (December 1995): 139–49; also in Studies in Christian Ethics, 9:1 (Spring 1996): 23–33.

“The three German bishops” (letter to the editor), Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 96:4 (January 1996): 3.

“Difficult Moral Questions: May Physicians and Dentists Try to Maximize Income?” Linacre Quarterly, 63:1 (February 1996): 75–79.

“Difficult Moral Questions: May a Husband End All Care of His Permanently Unconscious Wife?” Linacre Quarterly, 63:2 (May 1996): 41–46.

“Should an Emergency Physician Act according to ‘Emergency Ethics’?” The Medical-Moral Newsletter, 33:6 (June 1996): 21–23.

“Difficult Moral Questions: May a Physician Remain in a Group that Provides Immoral Services?” Linacre Quarterly, 64:2 (May 1997): 21–25.

“Mary, Mother of Jesus: Sketch of a Theology,” New Blackfriars, 78 (October 1997): 418–24.

“Response to Our Critics and Our Collaborators,” with Joseph Boyle, in Natural Law and Moral Inquiry: Ethics, Metaphysics, and Politics in the Work of Germain Grisez, ed. Robert P. George (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1998), 213–37.

“In Answer to Critics: The Revised, Final Version of a Difficult Moral Question about Cooperation by Catholic Hospitals,” Linacre Quarterly, 65 (August 1998): 59–76.

“A Subtle Type of Formal Cooperation,” The NaProEthics Forum, 3 (September 1998): 2–3.

“Health Care as Part of a Christian’s Vocation,” in Issues for a Catholic Bioethic, ed. Luke Gormally (London: Linacre Centre, 1999), 151–58; reprinted in Linacre Quarterly, 65 (November 1998): 81–92.

“Death in Theological Reflection,” in The Dignity of the Dying Person, Proceedings of the Fifth Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, ed. Juan de Dios Vial Correa and Elio Sgreccia (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000), 142–71; reprinted in Linacre Quarterly, 69:1 (February 2002): 1–32; The Philosophy of Human Nature in Christian Perspective, ed. Peter J. Weigel and Joseph G. Prud’homme (New York: Peter Lang, 2016), 123–50

“An Alternative Theology of Jesus’ Substantial Presence in the Eucharist,” Irish Theological Quarterly, 65 (2000): 111–31.

“‘Direct’ and ‘Indirect’: A Reply to Critics of Our Action Theory,” with John Finnis and Joseph Boyle, The Thomist, 65 (Jan. 2001): 1–44.

“Bioethics and Christian Anthropology,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 1:1 (Spring 2001): 33–38.

“Natural Law, God, Religion, and Human Fulfillment,” American Journal of Jurisprudence, 46 (2001): 3–36; reprinted in Moral Good, the Beatific Vision, and God’s Kingdom: Writings by Germain Grisez and Peter Ryan, S.J., ed. Peter J. Weigel (New York: Peter Lang, 2015), 85–122.

“Conditions for Rightly Assuming the Obligation of Celibacy,” and Italian translation, “Le condizioni per assumere rettamente l’impegno del celibato,” Seminarium, 42:1 (2002): 231–308.

“Conscience: Knowledge of Moral Truth,” reprinted from Fulfillment in Christ: A Summary of Christian Moral Principles, with Russell Shaw, in Readings in Moral Theology No. 14: Conscience, ed. Charles E. Curran (New York: Paulist, 2004), 39–50.

“The Doctrine of God and the Ultimate Meaning of Human Life,” in The Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics, ed. Alan J. Torrance and Michael Banner (New York: T & T Clark, 2006), 125–37.

“The True Ultimate End of Human Beings: The Kingdom, Not God Alone,” Theological Studies, 69:1 (2008): 38–61; reprinted in Moral Good, the Beatific Vision, and God’s Kingdom: Writings by Germain Grisez and Peter Ryan, S.J., ed. Peter J. Weigel (New York: Peter Lang, 2015), 123–48.

“Moral Questions on Condoms and Disease Prevention,” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 8:3 (Autumn 2008): 471–76.

“Inspiration and Inerrancy,” Letter and Spirit, 6 (2010): 181–90.

“Health Care Technology and Justice,” in Bioethics with Liberty and Justice: Themes in the Work of Joseph M. Boyle, ed. Christopher Tollefsen (New York: Springer, 2011), 221–39.

“Indissoluble Marriage: A Reply to Kenneth Himes and James Coriden,” with Peter F. Ryan, S.J., Theological Studies, 72:2 (June 2011): 369–415.

“Total Brain Death: A Reply to Alan Shewmon,” with Patrick Lee, Bioethics, 26:5 (June 2012): 275–84.

“Natural Law and the Transcendent Source of Human Fulfillment,” in Reason, Morality, and Law: The Philosophy of John Finnis, ed. John Keown and Robert P. George (Oxford: Oxford University, 2013), 443–56.

“Hell and Hope for Salvation,” with Peter F. Ryan, S.J., New Blackfriars, 95 (2014): 606–15.

“The Call to Holiness and Personal Vocation,” Quaestiones Disputatae, 5:2 (2015): 10–23.

“Sketch of a Projected Book about the Kingdom of God,” with Peter F. Ryan, S.J., in Moral Good, the Beatific Vision, and God’s Kingdom: Writings by Germain Grisez and Peter Ryan, S.J., ed. Peter J. Weigel (New York: Peter Lang, 2015), 149–65.

“Human Persons’ True Ultimate End: The Continuity between the Natural End and the Supernatural End,” in Sobre las Relaciones y Límites entre Naturaleza y Gracia: Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Filosofia Tomista, ed. Carlos A. Casanova and Ignacio Serrano del Pozo (Santiago, Chile: RIL, 2016), 499–523; also in Eschatology: Proceedings from the 37th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. Elizabeth C. Shaw (No Location: Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, 2015), 91–122.

“The Misuse of Amoris Laetitia to Support Errors against the Catholic Faith: A letter to the Supreme Pontiff Francis, to all bishops in communion with him, and to the rest of the Christian Faithful,” introduced by “An Open Letter to Pope Francis,” with John Finnis, First Things Web Exclusive (9 December 2016),; “El Abuso de Amoris Laetitia para apoyar errores contra la Fe católica: Carta al Sumo Pontífice Francisco, a todos los Obispos en comunión con él, y al resto de los fieles cristianos,” trans. Cristóbal Orrego, Infovaticana (9 January 2017),

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

“The Ethical and the Technical and Freedom,” Carroll Quarterly, 11:3 (Spring 1958): 36–39.

“Contraception: philosophic argument re-examined,” National Catholic Reporter, 21 April 1965, 6, 10 (in local ed.: 23 April 1965, 6–7).

“Grisez responds to the barrage,” National Catholic Reporter, 12 May 1965, 4.

“Response to Robert Johann, S.J.” (letter to the editor), America, 22 May 1965, 754–57.

“Contraception . . . Is It Always Wrong?” part 1, Our Sunday Visitor, 27 June 1965, 4–5.

“State of the Question: Of Life and Love” (letter to the editor), a reply to Bernard Häring, C.Ss.R., America, 3 July 1965, 22.

“Contraception . . . Is It Always Wrong?” part 2, Our Sunday Visitor, 4 July 1965, 4–5.

“Contraception . . . Is It Always Wrong?” part 3, Our Sunday Visitor, 11 July 1965, 6–7.

“Contraception . . . Is It Always Wrong?” Part 4, Our Sunday Visitor, 18 July 1965, 4–5.

“People—Germain Grisez,” National Catholic Reporter, 11 August 1965, 2.

Reply to letters to the editor, Our Sunday Visitor, 22 August 1965, 14.

Reply to letters to the editor, Our Sunday Visitor, 29 August 1965, 15.

“Contraception and Public Policy,” Our Sunday Visitor, 9 January 1966, 4–5.

“Married Love and Children,” Our Sunday Visitor, 27 February 1966, 3.

“Where do we stand on Birth Control?” Delmarva Dialog, 30 September 1966, 10.

“The Lord’s Prayer” (under the pseudonym Jerry Lindesmith), Triumph, January 1967, 18–19.

“In Faith It’s All or Nothing,” Our Sunday Visitor, 15 January 1967, 9.

“Contraception and Reality,” part 1, Triumph, February 1967, 21–24.

“Contraception and Reality,” part 2, Triumph, March 1967, 18–21.

“Contraception and Reality,” part 3, Triumph, April 1967, 27–30.

“Divorce: Rational Ethics Says, ‘No’,” Commonweal, 14 April 1967, 122–25.

“Hope in the Age of Despair,” Our Sunday Visitor, 6 August 1967, 4–5.

“The Mystery of Love,” Our Sunday Visitor, 20 August 1967, 11.

Interview on Humanae Vitae, National Catholic Reporter, 7 August 1968, 8.

“What, When, Who Is a Person?” Our Sunday Visitor, 8 September 1968, 6–7.

“Grisez Links Abortion, Contraception Defense” (report of telephone interview), National Catholic Reporter, 13 November 1968.

“The Right of the Unborn to Life,” Trends, 1:7 (March 1969): 12–13.

“The Role of Conscience” (letter to the editor), Sunday Star (Washington, D.C.), 6 April 1969, B1.

Abortion: the Myths, the Realities and the Arguments—Preview of a Book,” National Catholic Reporter, 21 August 1970, 15.

“A Question of Motive: Why Legalize Abortion?” Life in America, May 1971, 6–7.

“‘Papal City’ and The Evening Star” (interpretative article), Catholic Standard (Washington, D.C.), 1 July 1971, 1, 9.

“Germain Grisez on Morality,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 1:4 (September 1978): 8.

“If the Present United States Nuclear Deterrent Is Evil, Its Maintenance Pending Mutual Disarmament Cannot Be Justified,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 5:4 (September 1982): 13–18.

“Comments on the Second Draft of the Bishops on ‘The Challenge of Peace,’” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 6:1 (December 1982): 11–13.

“Moral Incoherence,” National Catholic Register, 20 March 1983, 5.

“A New Proposal for Defining Death,” Georgetown University Right to Life Journal, Spring 1983, 9–10; excerpt from Life and Death with Liberty and Justice: A Contribution to the Euthanasia Debate, 76–78.

“Chapter 2: Moral Doctrine No Longer at Risk,” National Catholic Register, 24 April 1983, 2, 8.

“He Ties Morality to Christ and Scripture” (interview by Russell Shaw), Columbia, 63:12 (December 1983): 12–19.

“Grisez on Neo-Gnosticism,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 7:1 (December 1983): 7–8.

“Ten Theses on the Resurrection of Our Lord,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 7:2 (March 1984): 9.

“We Are Called,” National Catholic Register, 29 April 1984, 5.

“In Imitation of Christ,” National Catholic Register, 27 May 1984, 5.

“The Catholic Spirituality of Marriage,” Bulletin of the Natural Family Planning Council of Victoria, 11:3 (September 1984): 2–4.

“A clear-cut social issue,” National Catholic Register, 7 October 1984, 5.

“For better or worse,” National Catholic Register, 25 November 1984, 5.

“For revisionist moral theologians, the life boats await,” National Catholic Register, 30 December 1984, 7; published in German: “Wider einen wirklichen Umsturz: Johannes Paul II. und abweichende Moraltheologie,” Theologisches, 188 (December 1985): 6774–76.

“A liturgical fantasy,” National Catholic Register, 3 February 1985, 5.

“Conservatives, liberals duel over leaking barque,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 22 November 1985, 14.

“Cardinal Ratzinger’s report may be too optimistic,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 27 December 1985, 12.

“Synod endorses thrust of Ratzinger Report,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 24 January 1986, 13.

“Pastoral on economy needs gospel radicalism,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 14 February 1986, 43.

“Germain Grisez on Fundamentalism,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 9:2 (March 1986): 13–14; abridged from chapter 20 of The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. one, Christian Moral Principles.

“Communal confession easy, but what about the sins?” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 21 March 1986, 17.

“Katholische Moral—Kreuz-Weg zu übernatürlicher Freude: Elend und Verhängnis einer permissiven Pastoral” (1985 commencement address at St. Hyacinth College and Seminary; Granby, Mass.), Theologisches, 192 (April 1986): 6985–91; “Catholic Morality—Hard Sayings or Good News,” Lay Witness, 11:2 (October 1989): 7–10.

Reply to letters to the editor, with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 18 April 1986, 11 and 14.

“Moral Absolutes: Outline of A Defense,” 12–13, in “Symposium: Curran, Dissent and Rome: A Symposium,” with William Bentley Ball et al., Catholicism in Crisis, 4:5 (May 1986): 6–26.

“Let dissidents on abortion shape up or be shipped out,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 2 May 1986, 11.

“Divining the moral dilemma of dissent,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 6 June 1986, 15; reprinted: Acadiana Catholic, October 1987, 6.

“Il Teologo del ‘Consenso’” (interview by Carlos Cachan and Marina Ricci), 30 Giorni, 4:7 (July 1986): 60–64.

“Theology within the ‘certain gift of truth’,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 4 July 1986, 14.

“Unity of Conscience,” National Catholic Register, 3 August 1986, 4.

“Liberal feminism equals church suicide,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 15 August 1986, 12–13.

“Is the church greater than sum of its parts?” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 5 September 1986, 17.

“Will modernist-traditionalist debate abate?” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 10 October 1986, 10, 15.

“There may be hell to pay if rich don’t share their wealth,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 16 January 1987, 12–13.

“Vatican Speaks for Humanity,” Boston Sunday Globe, 22 March 1987, A22.

“This Life and Life Everlasting,” Mountaineer Briefing (Commencement 1987): 12–13; reprinted in: A Catholic Liberal Arts Education: A Decade of Excellence, ed. John W. Campbell (Emmitsburg, Md.: Mount Saint Mary’s College, 1988).

“Taking the Human Seriously” (letter to the editor), Tablet (London), 9 May 1987, 493.

“Conforming conscience to Church teaching” (excerpts from The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 1, Christian Moral Principles), Florida Catholic, 4 December 1987, 10.

“U.S. is wrong to intend to kill millions of people,” with Jeannette Grisez, National Catholic Reporter, 22 January 1988, 15.

“Immorality of Deterrence,” Evening Sun (Baltimore), 26 January 1988, A9.

“Is ‘Safe Sex’ a Lesser Evil? What the Bishops Really Said—and Did,” Crisis, 6:2 (February 1988): 10–13.

“Counseling the Lesser Evil” (letter to the editor), America, 13 February 1988, 173–74.

“Catholics at the Ballot Box” (letter to the editor), Tablet (London), 19 March 1988, 340. Edited diversely and printed under diverse titles: Frederick Post (Maryland), 20 February 1988, A6; Arlington Catholic Herald (Virginia), 25 February 1988, 6; Crisis, 6:3 (March 1988): 3; National Catholic Register, 6 March 1988, 4; Our Sunday Visitor, 13 March 1988, 18; HLI Reports, April 1988; Columbia, June 1988, 4; A.L.L. About Issues, October 1988, 45.

“Avoiding the Greater Evil” (letter to the editor), Crisis, 6:8 (September 1988): 12.

“God Calls Each of Us By Name,” The Family, 36:9 (October 1988): 12–13.

“Presentation of the Cardinal O’Boyle Award for Defense of the Faith to John C. Ford, S.J.,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 12:1 (December 1988): 13–14; Proceedings of the Eleventh Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. Paul L. Williams (Pittston, Pa.: Northeast Books, 1989), 9–11.

“Why Withholding Food and Fluids Is Immoral,” Our Sunday Visitor, 6 August 1989, 19.

“Developing Doctrine” (letter to the editor), Crisis, 7:11 (December 1989): 9.

“Lying and Other Deceptions in Communications Are Always Wrong,” New Oxford Review, 57:8 (October 1990): 19–22.

“When it comes to Medjugorje, avoid extremes,” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 7 April 1991, 19.

“The limits of infallibility” (letter to the editor), Tablet (London), 4 September 1993, 1131.

“Pope to theologians: Get with the program,” National Catholic Register, 7 November 1993, 1 and 9.

“Statement on the Encyclical, Veritatis splendor,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, 17:1 (December 1993): 15.

“Gli atti intrinsecamente cattivi,” with John Finnis, L’Osservatore Romano (Italian ed.), 4 December 1993, 1 and 4; “Reflections on the Encyclical Letter ‘Veritatis splendor’—16: Negative moral precepts protect the dignity of the human person,” L’Osservatore Romano (Eng. ed.), 23 February 1994, 6–7.

Veritatis Splendor: The young man’s got a choice to make,” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 9 January 1994, 5.

Veritatis Splendor: Why the lesser of two evils is still evil,” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 16 January 1994, 5.

Veritatis Splendor: In the footsteps of the martyrs,” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 23 January 1994, 5.

“The Fatal Attraction of ‘the Right to Die’,” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 7 August 1994, 3.

“Has the Sacrament become just a symbolic reminder?” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 28 August 1994, 5.

“Should a Person Distracted in Prayer Pray Less?” Allen Review (Trinity term 1995): 18–21.

Letter to the editor, The Bayou Catholic (Houma, Louisiana), 17 May 1995, 7.

“Charitable Giving: Must It Involve an Immediate Personal Relationship?” Lay Witness, 17:2 (March 1996): 4–5, 24–25.

“How Can Catholics in Public Schools Avoid Being of Their World?” Lay Witness, 17:7 (September 1996): 8–9, 26–27.

“Dolly redux: Should we clone human embryos?” with Russell Shaw, Our Sunday Visitor, 22 June 1997, 17.

“Hope Despite Continuing Dissent,” Lay Witness, 19 (July-August, 1998): 44–45.

“Correct Dating of the Incarnation” (satire), Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, 23:2 (Spring 2000): 39.

“Holy: What It Is and How To Be It,” Faith, 33:2 (March-April 2001): 7–8.

“Assessing Responsibility for the Scandal: Most clerical sex crimes are homosexual seductions of adolescents and young men,” The Catholic World Report, 12:5 (May 2002): 56–57.

“Of Pedophilia, Homosexuality, and Therapy,” The Catholic World Report, 12:6 (June 2002): 13.

“Correction 1: Letter to the Editor,” The Catholic World Report, 12:7 (July 2002): 4.

“What are the responsibilities of a professional suffering from burnout?” reprinted from The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 2:2 (Nov. 15, 2002): 3, 10–11.

“Should one intervene when parents mistreat their children in public?” reprinted from The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 2:3 (Jan. 28, 2003): 8–10.

“Must a physician tell patients the whole truth about their bad prospects?” reprinted from The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 2:4 (Apr. 29, 2003): 12–14.

“Germain Grisez on Humanae vitae, Then and Now,” an interview published electronically by Zenit: The World Seen from Rome, July 14, 2003.

“Under what conditions may surgeons attempt to separate Siamese Twins?” reprinting of q. 63 in The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, 287–92, in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 3:1 (Sept. 5, 2003): 12–14.

“Germain Grisez on Personal Vocation,” an interview published electronically by Zenit: The World Seen from Rome, Oct. 2, 2003.

“What must an elderly person do to stay alive and healthy?” reprinting of q. 44 of The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, pp. 203–9, in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 3:2 (Nov. 15, 2003): 12–15.

“How to Discern Your Own Personal Vocation,” Our Sunday Visitor, 92:32 (Dec. 7, 2003): 14–15.

“How can Catholics in a secularized school avoid being of their World?” (q. 158 of The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, pp. 666–72), republished by Catholic Educator’s Resource Center,, Jan. 19, 2004.

“May a husband consent to stop feeding his permanently unconscious wife?” reprinting of q. 47 of The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, 218–25, in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 3:3 (2004):11–15.

“What are the responsibilities of a professional suffering from burnout?” reprinting of q. 9 of The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, 38–42, in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 3:4 (2004): 13–16.

“Catholic Politicians and Abortion Funding,” America, 191:5 (Aug. 30-Sept. 6, 2004): 18–19.

“Should an exasperated manager quit or stay to shield his subordinates?” reprinting of q. 101 of The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, 459–463, in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 4:1–2 (2004): 12–14, 8.

“Should a manager voluntarily adopt an affirmative action plan?” reprinting of q. 110 of The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions, 495–500, in The Cardinal Newman Quarterly, 4:1–2 [sic, should be 4:3] (2005): 11–14.

“Sin, Grace, and Zero Tolerance: An Exchange,” with a reply by Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., First Things, 151 (Mar. 2005): 27–36.

“The Church Betrayed?” Catholic World Report, 18:4 (April 2008): 20–24.

Book Reviews

Thomist, 21 (1958): 554–60: B. J. F. Lonergan, S.J., Insight: A Study of Human Understanding.

America, 11 September 1965, 263–64: Yves Simon, The Tradition of Natural Law, ed. Vukan Kuic.

Month, November 1965, 330–31: Joseph Fuchs, S.J., Natural Law: A Theological Approach.

America, 12 February 1966, 232: John Marshall, M.D., Marriage and Contraception.

Salesian Studies, Summer 1967, 84–85: José de Vinck, The Virtue of Sex.

Salesian Studies, Winter 1968, 92–93: G. Egner, Contraception vs. Tradition: A Catholic Critique.

Salesian Studies, Spring 1968, 65–67: Paul Tournier, To Understand Each Other; Charles A. Kindregan, Theology of Marriage: A Doctrinal, Moral and Legal Study; Leonard Hodgson, Sex and Christian Freedom: An Inquiry; Molly Walsh, Sex and the People We Are: A Woman’s Angle; Peter A. Bertocci, Sex, Love, and the Person.

National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin, 64,4 (May 1968): 63–65: Higher Catechetical Institute at Nijmegen, A New Catechism: Catholic Faith for Adults.

Salesian Studies, Autumn 1969, 97–98; Modern Schoolman, 47 (1969): 73–75: Vernon J. Bourke, History of Ethics.

Thomist, 34 (1970): 357–60: Vincent C. Punzo, Reflective Naturalism: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy.

Triumph, November 1970, 32–36: Daniel Callahan, Abortion: Law, Choice and Morality.

New Scholasticism, 45 (1971): 173–77: Mortimer J. Adler, The Time of Our Lives: The Ethics of Common Sense.

Theological Studies, 32 (1971): 525–28: John T. Noonan, Jr., The Morality of Abortion: Legal and Historical Perspectives.

Thomist, 35 (1971): 707–9: Michael F. Valente, Sex: The Radical View of a Catholic Theologian.

Thomist, 35 (1971): 722–24: Charles Rice, Authority and Freedom: The Case for Orthodoxy in the Catholic Church.

Review of Metaphysics, 25 (1971): 351–52: Rem B. Edwards, Freedom, Responsibility, and Obligation.

Review of Metaphysics, 25 (1971): 360–61: William L. McBride, Fundamental Change in Law and Society.

Review of Metaphysics, 25 (1971): 362–63: John Passmore, The Perfectibility of Man.

Review of Metaphysics, 26 (1973): 764–65: John A. Rawls, Theory of Justice.

Catholic Standard, 2 August 1973, 7: B. J. F. Lonergan, S.J., Method in Theology.

New Scholasticism, 47 (1973): 538–40: Owen Bennett, Metaphysics of Faith and Freedom.

Theological Studies, 38 (1977): 802–3: John Connery, S.J., Abortion: The Development of the Roman Catholic Perspective.

Theological Studies, 40 (1979): 769–71: Michael B. Crowe, The Changing Profile of the Natural Law.

Linacre Quarterly, 49,3 (1982): 285–86: Ralph A. Martin, Crisis of Truth.

Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 83,6 (March 1983): 71–72: Rodger Charles, S.J., and Drostan Maclaren, O.P., The Social Teaching of Vatican II.

Theological Studies, 44 (1983): 538: Francisco Gil Hellín, Constitutionis Pastoralis Gaudium et Spes Synopsis Historica: II Pars, Caput I: De Dignitate Matrimonii et Familiae Fovenda.

Wanderer, 19 April 1984, 21: Donald G. McCarthy and Edward J. Bayer, eds., Handbook on Critical Sexual Issues.

Theological Studies, 45 (1984): 579–81: Stanley Hauerwas and Alasdair MacIntyre, eds., Revisions: Changing Perspectives in Moral Philosophy.

Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 85:1 (October 1984): 76, 78: William K. Kilpatrick, Psychological Seduction: The Failure of Modern Psychology.

Theological Studies, 46 (1985): 552–53: Richard Malone and John Connery, S.J., eds., Contemporary Perspectives on Christian Marriage: Propositions and Papers from the International Theological Commission.

National Catholic Register, 24 November 1985, 8: Robert Blair Kaiser, The Politics of Sex and Religion: A Case Study in the Development of Doctrine, 1962–1984.

Theological Studies, 48 (1987): 216: Bruno Schüller, Wholly Human: Essays on the Theory and Language of Morality.