Is Joe Dispenza safe for Catholics & other Christians?
Is he part of the coming Great Deception (2 Thes 2:11)?

Joe Dispenza is a chiropractor who rose through the alternative medicine world to prominence "teaching people to overcome obstacles and create their own destiny". His self actualization videos have millions of views on multiple platforms, and he has large live events.

He draws from multiple disciplines such as psychology, eastern religions, alternative medicine, biochemistry, and New Age energy manipulation, and claims to harness neurochemistry and quantum physics to help attendees manifest holistic healing, a vibrant love life, fulfilling career, and prosperity.

Before I became Christian, at 21 years old, I was in a self actualization program named EST, which was a precursor to Joe Dispenza's "Unlimited" program. My performing career took off and I landed a Broadway show soon after beginning EST. I spent the next 4 years in NYC and Hollywood doing movies for Paramount and Sony, producing music for CBS and NBC-TV while progressing in EST. After 5 years of intense participation in EST, however, my life became a disaster. Be careful what you wish for, it might not be God's will. My testimony is below.

The Alien connection

Joe Dispenza's latest documentary "Source, It's Within You" is produced by Hathor Studios. Their other "documentaries" include: Alien Endgame, UFO Witness, Alien Invasion, Deep Space, Ancient Alien, etc. These shows are distributed on Netflix, CBS, A&E, NBC, Paramount, Discovery Channel, History Channel, SciFi Channel, etc. and on their own subscription network named Gaia (Earth Goddess).

What does self actualization (and alternative healing) have to do with aliens?

Joe Dispenza says:

Will you see interdimensional beings [during meditation]? Absolutely! You have the brain chemistry to do it. Don't stop it ...As we activate the pineal gland it acts like a receiver....

During workshops I started sensing presences in the room during our week long events... out of the corner of my eyes, starting perceiving certain things. There was an energy in the room that I noticed and they're very noble and they're very interested in what we're doing. Many times in the beginning they observed. They are along the walls and they're not small. They're very very tall, 3 meters, maybe more. I mean they're they're beautiful and big and they have this Grace about them. (Source)

There is a similar statement on his FAQ page about being open to interdimensional beings. Those of us who are Christian and have come out of the New Age, know that they are demons, even if they present themselves as "big and beautiful".

We doubt Joe Dispenza is knowingly invoking demons. He seems sincere enough, but he is perhaps, a pawn in a much larger chess game.

The devil doesn't really care what we focus on, as long as its not Jesus. Jesus says:

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Matthew 12:30)

Are they are good angels, bad angels, or aliens?

Someone might say, "well the interdimensional beings that Joe is taking about are good angels not bad ones." There are a few ways to discern this:

  • Joe Dispenza says "the pineal gland acts like a receiver...." to communicate with interdimensional beings. He intends to use (pinal gland) to receive physical aliens. He's not talking about good angels.
  • He said "I began to perceive them out of the corner of my eyes". Any exorcist will say that this is a classic way that demons first show up in peoples lives.
  • There are no serious Christian denominations that would agree that what Joe Dispenza described was good? Evangelicals and Catholics alike would say this these beings are out of bounds for communication, communion, etc.
  • Joe Dispenza's UFO oriented philosophy is anti-Christian.
  • Jesus is a gentleman. Jesus, his saints and angels don't usually show up uninvited (by name). Dispenza never invites Jesus or the Holy Spirit into his meditations or groups. 
  • On the other hand, the Devil and his minions are not a gentlemen. They crash a party univited and start to work. We have several articles debunking aliens and UFOs

The Great Reset and the Great Deception

We believe the Great Reset is apocalyptic and will introduce the Great Deception to humanity (2 Thes. 2:11). There will likely be a day of Government UFO disclosure, accompanied by a coordinated mainstream media frenzy, probably in response to a crisis, such as world war, economic collapse, natural disaster, pandemic, etc... It will likely have two converging components:

  1. A macro-deception that "aliens are interventing to save humanity"
  2. A micro-deception that steers individuals into interior communion with these "entities"

The ultimate communication that the devil can have with humans is a direct hookup to our minds, with our full participation and consent. Almost nobody would knowingly talk to the devil. So satan has to trick us into seeking "wisdom and power" from the spiritual realm. What the devil failed to accomplish through Ouija boards and Tarot cards, he will accomplish through communion with "aliens" or "interdimensional beings". We have 20 articles that debunk UFO's.

Doesn't Joe Dispenza talk about Jesus and the Bible?

Any time Joe Dispenza mentions Jesus or the Bible, it is to show that Jesus "learned" how to do "xyz" miracle, and you can learn it too. One of his videos is named

"This Is How JESUS Manifested His Miracles and You Can Too".

Unlike legitimate Christianity, Dr. Dispenza does not call on the name of Jesus to manifest miracles. Dr. Dispenza seems to drop the "J" word during talks to get credibility with nominal Christians. He describes Jesus as just another historical mystic who is now an "ascended master." He says:

Great masters in history, who made their way beyond the illusion of three-dimensional reality, simply mastered anything that stood in the way between them and their connection to pure love, to the divine. ... This week is about you taking time out of your busy lives to remember that you are the creator of your life. Source

He thinks Jesus just learned and mastered this stuff. He doesn't admit that Jesus IS God and didn't have to learn or master anything. He also claims science surpasses Jesus:

Science is the contemporary language of mysticism. If you're studying the life of Jesus as an example, or Buddha, that was the language of the time. So here we are in a contemporary world and science has become that language.

So when you combine a little quantum physics with neuroscience and neuroendocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics all of those different branches of sciences and new sciences point the finger at possibility.

Notice the equivalency Dr. Dispenza draws between Jesus and Buddha. He says that Jesus was "an example" and Jesus used "the language of that time" as if Jesus is a dead esoteric mystic of old. If you are studying the life of Jesus you don't have to do that anymore, just study Dr. Dispenza's science of "quantum physics", "neuroscience", "neuroendocrinology", "psychoneuroimmunology" and "epigenetics". These 10 dollar words make average people gasp and ask, "wow, can I harness all these energies for my success?" Real scientists who are proficient in those disciplines roll their eyes at how he loosely throws around these terms, but that doesn't matter, there are hundreds of thousands of people who are desperate for health, wealth, love and happiness. Joe Dispenza doesn't need scientists.

Christ Consciousness vs Christianity

Joe Dispenza promotes the New Age philosophy of Christ Consciousness or "pure consciousness", that Jesus was just a man who tapped into "Christ Consciousness", which is the Chi, Prana, electro magnetic energy, etc. of the universe which aliens have tapped into to gain their superiority. Christ Consciousness will likely become the religion of the antichrist. The belief is something like this:

Dr. Dispenza's vision of Universal Christ

Here's another of his quotes:

The heart, when it's coherent, tends to produce an external magnetic field that's up to three meters wide now you've got a Wi-Fi signal. Now when you have a coherent brain the brain could actually lay the information on that signal and the thought of your wealth or your health can be carried on the frequency of that heart emotion.

If they can feel the gratitude before their healing, their healing begins. If they feel their abundance or their worthiness before they have their wealth it will start generating abundance. If they start being in love with themselves and being in love with life they'll create an equal.

That's the Law if they're in power they're going to start stepping towards their success. So then when we wait for the outer world to change our internal State that's a conditioning process because some people will live in lack and separation their entire life. When this happens then I'll feel happy that's cause and effect but feeling the emotion ahead of the experience is causing and effect.

How would one begin to measure a "coherent heart's" magnetic field vs. an "incoherent heart's" magnetic field? We also see this type of pseudo science in those talking about aliens traversing the universe. It is not aimed at literate scientific people. Its aimed at lay people who nod their heads as if it must be really profound and true.

His talks are about "How to get beyond yourself and create your own destiny." This is exactly the opposite of what we want as Christians. We want to conform our minds to the mind of Jesus and let Him run the show.

Dr. Dispenza says if you don't get results, its you're own fault

On his website FAQ page, there is the question "Why am I not seeing results yet, but others are?""

There are many reasons why the process of change is different for everyone. Some factors include [your] attention span, your experience level, how long you are meditating per day, how many times you meditate per day, your comprehension of the knowledge, [your] past traumas that might be deeper rooted in the [your] subconscious mind, etc.

This is a secular variation of the Prosperity Gospel. If you just have enough faith, you'll be happy, wealthy and wise! If you don't get these results, there is something wrong with you and the way you are doing it. Contrast this with what Jesus says in the Gospel about suffering:

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. (Mat 16:24)

Can Christians just insert Jesus into Dr. Dispenza's meditations and get the "benefits"

The teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza are not compatible with Catholicism or any form of Biblical Christianity.

  • Dr. Dispenza is actively evangelizing people away from Jesus the Saviour.
  • He is encouraging people to communicate with "interdimensional beings" through meditation. These are demons in disguise.
  • He is actively teaching people to meditate to "create their own destiny" rather than seek what Jesus wants for the individual.
  • He is generating large sums of money via expensive in-person seminars, online subscriptions, Biosyntropy vitamins, NCS corporate training, donations, etc. which funds UFO and anti-Chrstian initiatives and teachings.
  • He is actively participating in a UFO and New Age movement which is quickly becoming mainstream, even though it is stridently anti-Christian.

Did Joe Dispenza heal is own compression fractures?

Joe Dispenza claims he healed his own compression fractures that threatened to leave him in a wheelchair for life. Perhaps he did. However, lots of people with vertebrae compression fractures are walking around functional. A compression fracture is simply a disc that has been squashed to some extent. It could be a little or a lot. Sometimes it pinches the nerves, sometimes not. I have a compression fracture on T7 and it sometimes give me trouble if I lift too much, but if I do my exercises, its not bad and I function quite well. The same is true for my 73 year old mother-in-law who has osteopeanea, who got a compression fracture while riding in rough waves on a boat. She functions fine if she's careful.

Joe Dispenza describes going over the handlebars of his bike. That's no fun, but many of us have had bad falls and are OK.

We would be interested in seeing the medical report from the accident that says he was not going to have any use of his legs, that he would need a wheelchair, and that he required surgery.

Most compression fracture surgeries are elective. Perhaps Joe Dispenza got into lecturing because his back is too sore to practice chiropractic. We simply don't know for sure. We agree that the mind is an amazing thing, and it can aid us incredibly in the healing process, but given the extreme nature of Joe Dispenza's claims and the incredibly successful career resting on his testimony, it would be helpful for his credibility to produce the assocated medical reports. Apparently, we're not the only one asking this question.

My experience with self actualization

Joe Dispenza's organization is called "Unlimited". A precursor to it was a 1980's program called EST. Like Joe Dispenza, EST's founder, Werner Erhard, was very smart, charismatic, and an attractive leader in his 50's. Similar to Dr. Dispenza's Neuro Change Solutions (NCS) Training, many corporations were sending their employees. Hundreds of thousands of people attended the seminars.

I was 21 years old and participated in many seminars and retreats in New York, San Francisco, and Ottawa over several years. I spent thousands of dollars on these programs and initially got tremendous benefits. Within 6 months, I was cast in a Broadway show, and went on to co-starred in movies for Paramount and Columbia pictures, became a music producer for CBS record and NBC TV, commercials, jingles and more. I attracted a "robust love life" and I was quickly moving towards health, wealth and success in the New York jet set. Meanwhile, I thought the movement was a solution to world peace.

What this self actualization program didn't prepare me for was unplanned pregnancies during my early twenties. While I was in this program, abortion made sense.

What I didn't know was that the devil had tricked me into sacrificing my children on the altar of my ambition, which spiraled into addiction and near suicide. The self actualization movement was wrong. Visualizing ourselves in a situation that we want to manifest in our lives presupposes that we know what is best for our lives and that the idea came from us, not some nefarious entity.

Thankfully, I got lost in Montreal looking for a Yoga Guru and wandered into a Church. I gave Jesus everything that night. It became abundantly clear that success is not a journey from ignorance to enlightenment, like they claimed. Success is a journey from sin (the road to hell), to repentance and surrender to Jesus.

Good things happened as a Christian, not via personal empowerment

The Lord used my abilities to create a ministry playing Christian music and providing my testimony to young people for 10 year, telling them about the harms of abortion and values of chastity. Even this little web site, has had over 10 million visits in 20 years. I met an amazing woman who became my wife, then Jesus arranged for me to be on a small committee that created a worldwide standard to make websites accessible to the blind and others with disabilities. We had a miracle baby when my wife was 48 year old and I was 55. I bought a house, cash, no mortgage and had all the material means I needed to care for my family.

None of this was a result of visualizing these things in advance. I didn't have to. It was Jesus' idea, not mine. Every one of those miracles surprised me. Of course life also comes with much suffering and hardship. During these difficult times Jesus forms us and teaches us not to be attached to the fleeting promises of this world.

"My Kingdom is not of this world" (Jn. 18:36)

Questions and Answers

A new Christian who is a follower of Joe Dispenza asked these questions:


I have seen and know (as well as experienced) healings within this community so it’s hard for me to equate that reality with a dark agenda. When people are truly helped, how can it be bad? Yes, it is not the Catholic or even necessarily the Christian way, but there is still good being done. Can not both realities co-exist in the world? 

Show Response

I agree we do not want to be fundamentalistic. The weeds and the wheat grow together (Mat 13:24).There are threads of healing in any system where people are trying to get help and honestly seek Truth.  Some organizations are better than others and it sounds like you got a lot of help from Joe Dispenza. I got help from EST. I also got help from my Guru, Swami Satchidanada in Yoga, Montak Chia in Tai Chi, and Nichiren Buddhism, etc...  These were all part of my authentic search for Truth. It seems God honours our authentic search. As long as we are actively searching we get benefits from that search. 

But when I found Jesus, it seemed I came to a fork in the road, where to continue on those paths would lead me away from Jesus. I simply could not continue because I could feel the internal pull away from Jesus in those systems. And Jesus is the embodiment of Truth, healing and true prosperity (of spirit), as well as eternal life in Heaven, which is what I'm really interested in (especially as I get older)

The people you know who've been healed in this movement are on a journey with Joe Dispenza. The journey is ongoing, so we don't know the final result. If you asked me in 1983 about EST, 2 years after I began, I would say "it's a miracle, I have a great career, a beautiful girlfriend, I'm healthy, and I'm making great money." But that was not my final destination with the program. Two years later my life was a disaster. When I look at the fruit of EST, I have to say that although there are things I learned there that became part of me, and I still remember and probably use, the overall fruit was rotten.

If we are truly headed for an apocalyptic deception involving aliens, then people who are close followers of Joe Dispenza are at high risk of falling for the greatest deception of all human history, and that is way more urgent than any kind of a healing I might have experienced by interfacing with Joe's ministry. I acknowledge that we don't know for sure if we are in apocalyptic times, but that's my belief about where we are in history.

We could make a weird analogy

Let's say someone is part of the unawake system and has been listening to CBC for 30 years and they finally meet up with people successfully convince them that they are being played by the system. They learn that the CBC is really part of the oppressive system and is very woke. They say... 

"I LOVE the CBC, sure their editorial position might be skewed left but they have great news, interesting interviews, and I feel truly connected to Canada and Canadian when I'm listening to the CBC."  

The more your new friend understands the extent of the corruption over time, they see how the CBC editorial position permeates ALL their programming. The learn that its super subtle, but that we can't separate CBC shows from their overall editorial direction. The very fact that the editorial position can be subtle and that there is a lot of quality content on CBC makes it more nefarious. And eventually almost all awake people don't spend much time listening to the CBC.


Aren’t there “good” interdimensional beings (I.e. the good angels like Michael etc... ) that one can pray to? 


Well, it depends on whether we have a Catholic view or an Evangelical/baptist view. Your friends at Riverside Baptist would say never speak to ANY other interdimensional being but Jesus. I understand that position. They are rightly nervous for reason's you bring up...

Catholics look at it differently. We acknowledge there are good angels and saints and bad angels and minions of the devil.

We ask for intercession from (but don't worship) good angels that are identified in Scripture (St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, and our guardian angels). Also, we ask for intercession from Christians who have died in fellowship with Christ and who've been vetted through the canonization process, which is an long and thorough investigation to ensure that the saint is indeed in heaven, (Mary, Joseph, and other Canonized Saints). So the Church vets and canonizes saints it knows are in heaven. We don't pray to any other angels or saints, for that very reason, its a Church doctrine. 

There is a Catholic ministry called  Encounter Ministries which have had a lot of success in healing ministry.