Is Gene Decode a wolf in sheep's clothing?
Let's look at his theory about the burning of Notre Dame Basilica

Who is Gene Decode?

Gene Decode is a well known and sought after interviewee in the "conspiracy" circles. His real name and image are not public.

NOTE: We don't like the word "conspiracy" because its a media label for anything that doesn't bow down to a woke agenda. Many things are labeled conspiracy theories but turn out to be true. (Wuhan virus, jabs, etc...)

There are many people operating in this space trying to help people understand as we approach the apocalypse. There also some wolves in sheep's clothing.

From Gene Decode's website bio we read:

... Gene is a 20+ year veteran of the U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet. He is a 40+ year Martial Arts Instructor (Sensei) as well as a lifelong student and practitioner of Naturopathic Medicine. He has dedicated most of his life to the investigation and research of information pertaining to all things spiritual, health (physical, mental, and emotional), social, political, and metaphysical. He was born with skilled remote viewing and psychic abilities that have steered his life.

In August of 1990, Gene had an epiphany in which he suddenly realized the existence and massive influence of the Satanic Deep State cabal....In a Death Experience in August of 1992 (he died for 30 minutes) he met God and after taking a Holy Covenant, God allowed him to return to be of service to humanity, the Earth, and God's creation. ...

Unfortunately, there is no way to verify any of his credentials, because he does not disclose his name or image.

Notre Dame Basilica, Paris burned down

There are dozens of interviews with Gene Decode on Rumble. Let us take one example. (

In this interview Gene Decode is saying Notre Dame in Paris burned down because it was linked to demonic black mass blood sacrifice in the basement. (more below)

He bounced from theory to theory so quickly that every 5 seconds we wanted to say... "Hey stop, let's establish that XYZ theory has credible instead of just presenting it as a given and then moving on 5 seconds later." This is called a "Gish Gallop".

The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm an opponent by presenting an excessive number of arguments, with no regard for their accuracy or strength, with a rapidity that makes it impossible for the opponent to address them in the time available. Wikipedia

That's the first sign that we're dealing with a compromised position. None of these theories are backed up:

  • Notre Dame took Jesus DNA from the relic of the crown of thorns and cloned Jesus and the antichrist was supposed to come into that cloned body.
    RESPONSE: Any type of cloning requires a full medical lab and hasn't been successful yet, although it might in the future.
  • Manifold timelines, with multiple universes and multiple earths.
    RESPONSE: We have an article on interdimensionality.
  • There were 777 books in the original Bible .
    RESPONSE: This is patently and demonstrably false. There is no canon with anything like that number.
  • Book of Sarah was removed from the Bible
    RESPONSE: I'd like to see where he can show me a canon that included Sarah)
  • Church of Notre Dame was on the remnants of those killed in black plague and that stands for ISIS which is another name for Lucifer.
    : This is a 7th day adventist type attack on the Catholic Church.)
  • They've been sacrificing for thousands of years in the catacombs below Notre Dame RESPONSE: Notre Dame is only 1200 years old. This is a completely fabricated story with no attempt to establish its historicity.
  • Stars gravitational forces opened up a portal where lucifer is locked and it released him and every blood sacrifice st Notre Dame makes him more powerful.
  • The plan was to burn Notre Dame down so they could open up the portal to release the devil and he could come out of the portal and go into a cloned body of Jesus Christ. Man running around with Muslim garb on and that was the cloned body of Jesus.
    : The devil doesn't need to have Notre Dame burned down to be released from some hypothetical portal. He's active in the world and all around us all the time.
  • The man who built the doors for Notre Dame sold his soul to the devil because the doors were too heavy and so Satan helped him put the doors on and now has control of Notre Dame.
  • He put Holy Water on the doors made the glue shut during fire to keep people in
    a guy in a Muslim garb was running around the burning building, is the cloned Jesus who the devil was supposed to occupy.
  • The fire happened too early and screwed up the entrance of the antichrist onto the world stage and now they can never do it because they would need a place where blood sacrifice happened for 1000's of years.
  • etc... etc... etc...

We can shoot down Gene Decode's entire thesis about Notre Dame in one paragraph

Why on earth would the devil want to use the Catholic Church as a platform for the antichrist? The secular media, protestants, Muslims, communists, etc. distrust the Catholic Church... there would be no buy in from the population ... The devil will choose an untainted vehicle for the antichrist... probably the UN, WHO, WEF and the UFO religion based on "science" not on "outdated medieval Catholic beliefs"?

Aliens, demons, and the New Age

Here is the short version of Gene Decode flagship prayer.

The one God of all creation has created an infinite universe for all. Many worlds, many sentient species. Our God is infinitely compassionate and infinitely giving.

Gene Decode's theories are in complete tandem with transmediums, UFOlogists, New Agers, theosophy practitioners etc. His website has many links to alien and UFO articles. The Great deception (2 Thes 2:11) will probably be a UFO based deception and Gene is steering people towards UFOs.

There is a unification of forces against Jesus and infiltration into the Truther communities (people who figure out that something is wrong).

The devil has chosen people to infiltrate freedom movements

The devil knew that there were going to be groups of people who would figure out that we are being had by governments and that the one world government is coming. So he has chosen a number of “gifted” individuals who emerge as influencer in the freedom movement. Here's a list of common characteristics of these wolves in sheep's clothing.

Their role is to gently lead people and movements back over to the dark side, even while they are thinking they are rebelling and battling against the coming darkness.

We think Gene Decode and Joe Dispenza fit that profile. There are also many who roughly fit this profile within the Catholic and Evangelical communities who are wolves in sheep's clothing.

If an influencer talks about UFOs, aliens, alternate dimensions, entities, ascended masters, Christ consciousness or Jesus as only an example (not a Saviour).... RUN!

Why did Notre Dame really burn down?

There is no credible evidence or verified sources to suggest that demonic masses were held at Notre-Dame Cathedral before the 2019 fire. While Notre-Dame has experienced periods of political turmoil and desecration, particularly during the French Revolution, there is no substantial information indicating that occult or demonic rituals were ever conducted there.

During the Revolution, the cathedral was re-purposed for secular uses, including being rededicated as a "Temple of Reason," but this was more a reflection of anti-religious sentiments of the time than anything related to demonic rituals. The fire of 2019, which severely damaged the cathedral, was an unfortunate accident linked to renovation work, either from a (forbidden) cigarette butt, or an electrical spark, not connected to any rituals or occult activities.

Cathedral fires are common because of the dry wood.

Also, there are human remains in the basement of Notre Dame. That is because its a Catholic custom to bury bishops and notable Catholic figures under the altar of prominent Catholic Basilicas (in the basement below the altar). Also, there would be masses said down there which is also common. I've been to events at the Basilica in Ottawa in the basement where previous bishops are buried.

There are also stories about the gargoyles on the spires being demons. I'm not a big fan of them but I think they are harmless enough. A story about them is here.

Unfortunately, stories about demonic Catholic activity is a strong currency among many non-Catholic denominations, New Agers, communist governments, and a host of others.

Personally, I think the fire was symbolic for the great apostasy that will precede the antichrist.