Characteristics of demonic UFO influencers
Is the antichrist rising up leaders to infiltrate resistance movements?

There is a unification of forces against Jesus and infiltration into Truther communities who are resisting the coming apocalypse.

The devil has chosen people to infiltrate freedom movements

The devil knew that there were going to be groups of people who would figure out that we are being had by governments and that the One World Government is coming. So he has chosen a number of “gifted” individuals who emerge as influencers in the freedom movement. Their common characteristics are:

  1. Born in the 1960's - 1980's.
  2. Began to have spiritual experiences at a very young age with entities or with aliens.
  3. Grew up feeling different and knowing they had knowledge that other people didn’t have.
  4. They were (or still are) into the occult at some point, open to it OR their parents were into it when they were young.
  5. Emerged as influencers in alternative healthcare or fighting government or even in communications with animals, in their 40's -60's.
  6. Compassionate, intelligent, talented, and magnetic. Their theories are compelling, cohesive and fit a pattern that trace back to Helen Blavasky's transmedium experiences with ascended masters in the late 1800's.
  7. Openly discuss UFOs and alien life, usually in a benevolent way, particularly using "interdimensional" language.
  8. Talk about the convergence of science, parapsychology and spiritual enlightenment
  9. Subtly or not so subtly hostile to conventional or historical "old fashioned" Christianity and have a particular animosity for Catholicism (unless they are Catholic insiders).
  10. Use the name Jesus sparingly and usually in context of his "example"... NOT as our saviour to whom we abandon our lives. They may say Jesus learned from aliens (and we can to).
  11. They talk about hidden, secret knowledge, and often spearhead a movement with sign up newsletters etc.

Their role is to gently lead people and movements back over to the dark side, even while they appear to be rebelling and battling against the coming darkness, which will probably be a UFO based deception.

We think Gene Decode, Joe Dispenza, RIchard Rohr, and Catholic apologist Jimmy Akin fit that profile.

If an influencer talks about UFOs, aliens, alternate dimensions, entities, ascended masters, Christ consciousness or Jesus as only an example (not a saviour).... RUN!