Press Room

A review of David's CD, "Life Is The Only Choice", from

"The Greatest Gift"...This 14-song collection is full of life. It has messages of praise and worship, as well as giving glory to God for His precious gift to each of us. 's style is high-energy pop, with lots of funk and light jazz. If you're a fan of Fr. Stan Fortuna, Aaron Thompson, or Crispin this CD is for you. The CD starts with the intoxicating sounds of "King Of Creation." From the first notes you get a happy feeling inside and as the song praises the Lord Jesus, author of life, you can't help but be lifted up with it. "Break Me" is another song that has that funk beat but hits you like a hammer with powerful lyrics. It lets us know that sometimes God has to knock us down a couple of rungs on the ladder of life so we can be stronger for Him. Love is the center of our lives and Jesus' love is the message in "Love At The Centre." gives this piece an almost Beatles style. Slowing the pace down a bit is the homage to our beginnings, providing a great pro-life anthem: "God's been working on you. He's been making every bone and every sinew of this miracle, you are the union the blessed communion of Heaven and earth... " Those are the lyrics to "Legacy of Love."

There is no doubt about the miracle of life. True to this is the awesome title track of this CD. "Life Is The Only Choice" speaks of someone who has chased the emptiness that the world offers and gave up their child in abortion to keep that lifestyle. The person now hears the prayers of the Mother of God for these people who battle for the right to choose. This is not only a pro-life song, but one that echoes Mary's love for us. That's why it was an excellent choice for the Marian Song Festival [in Guatemala]. does seem to have a little fun with the song "Multi-Nation Generation" in which he spouts off the nations of the world much like Yakko Warner on the Animaniacs cartoon show. adds that Jesus should bless each of these countries. "Cult-CULT-ure" is an in-your-face, light rap song, much like Fr. Stan Fortuna. The lyrics are to the point and are very timely. Just this month the FCC decided that the use of the F-word was OK for TV, yet we still can't say the J-word without offending someone. This is pointed out by , who says he doesn't want to be a part of that culture! is a rising star in Catholic music and someone to watch.

Here are some reactions by music industry people:

"Hugh 's production ability is second to none in Canada."
- Mark Masri, Music Director, 100 Huntley St.

"You were terrific."
- Shannon Bain, Producer, Breakfast@The NewRO, Ottawa
"There are only a few Canadian Christian artists whose material can stand up against the best US CCM artists like 'Third Day'. Hugh has done that. 'Cult-Culture' is a hit...Hard Hitting Lyrics."
- Brock Tozer, Morning Show Host, CHRI Radio.

"The vocal range is amazing, it is unimaginable that he burned out his voice and couldn't talk for three years."
- Bob Du Broy, CHRI station manager

" The lyrics are exceptional; Hugh really nailed the emotions that sprung from his life experiences"
- Paul Weigel, producer of "Canadian Authors and Musicians", a nationally syndicated radio program.

"There are only a few songs that strike me as being directly inspired by the Holy Spirit. 'Love at the Centre' is one of those songs . . . it should do very well."
-Steve Carr Producer CHRI 99.1FM

"This recording takes the prize for the best I've ever heard from a personal computer."
- Hugh Cain, owner of Distortion Recording Studios

"Great song, amazing performance of Why 2K?"
- Paul Willoughby, Associate Producer, 100 Huntley Street

"After four years ... Ottawa-based Hugh finally released his independent album "Life Is The Only Choice" ... all of that hard work has paid off... doesn't hold anything back lyrically either, tackling issues such as our culture, pro-life, his own personal struggles, and praise songs..."
- Josh McConnell - Renown Magazine (rated the CD 4 out of 5)