David's Concert Photos

Divine Retreat Center Potta, Kerala, India




India crowd


Hugh closeup

India crowd

I loved the crowds in India


indian men praying

People praying during a worship service, Divine Retreat Centre, India.

Hugh  with FLute

Above: Shooting a video in India. I thought the elephant was really into it,
but at one point he spat on me. After that we were friends - from a distance.
I think its because he didn't know what kind of instrument I was playing.
It actually is my flute...I had a repairman bend it.

Hugh  TV Studio India

Above: Praying in the TV studio, India, before shooting a video

Rock the Mount - Mount Carmel, Saskatchewan

Rock the Mount

Rock the Mount

World Youth Day 2005, Germany

Hugh with "Viola and New Day"

World Youth

Siedlce, Poland

Below: The youth are on fire in Poland, the woman on stage is Viola, a great singer who is very popular in Poland.

Hugh at the Eucharistic congress

Eucharistic Congress Quebec City, June 2008


Queen's Park - Toronto May 23, 2005

March for marriage

Hugh  jumping

Above: Hugh getting some air!

Below: Ottawa's March for Marriage for 15,000 people; April 9, 2005.

SInging on Parliament Hill, march for marriage

Praising God and praying for our politicians at the marriage rally of 15,000 faithful souls


Above: To the left (in the yellow and black checked shirt clapping his hands) is Hugh Mainse,
founder of Canada's 100 Huntley Street. Hugh and his band is singing.

Hugh  QUebec City

Youth Summit Quebec City (above and below)

Quebec City, Montée Jeunesse


Travis Blackmore Dennis Girard

Above: Travis Blackmore (left) sits in on drums with us sometimes
He's an amazing talent and songwriter also.

Dennis Girard (right) plays guitar & bass. He's also a great song writer and recording
artist on his own - and he loves the Lord!

Darren DeRidder

Above, talented keyboardist (and computer wiz) Darren DeRidder


Above: some down time during a tour in Guam

This is Hugh in his home studio - It is the source of many nights lost sleep

Above: Hugh in his home studio where he had occasionally lost a night's sleep. (Photo by Maggie Bourgeois)

kids show

Above: A family show in at Familyland in Ohio.


Above: A kid's show in Guam, South Pacific

Below: In Germany, with a fantastic African band from Malawi.

Above: Polish youth making the sign of the Trinity at a concert.

Below: Hugh with Rafal in a Polish radio station, Siedlce, Poland

Polish Radio

Above: Hugh at Soulfest, Brian Chhanguur is on bass. That weekend Toby Mac, Rebecca St. James, Starfield,
Paul Colman Trio, Delirious, Jars of Clay and Five Iron Frenzy played the same stage.

Above: World Youth Day 2002

Below: Bob Halligan Jr. (of Ceili Rain), Fr. Brian Christie (violin), Hugh

Hugh and band


David's Bent Flute

David's Group

Above: Toronto: The Band at the Polish festival, Right to Left: Tom Krekowski (Drums, Percussion),
Rafal Bonisniak (Drums, Percussion - he came in from Poland), Hugh, Dan Pascal (Bass) & Friend

Below left: David's bent flute.
Below right: David's talented niece Valerie (playing piano)


Hugh Jr. at Breakdancing

Above: my nephew David on the right,
defending champ at the Ottawa Breakdancing Championships.
U Rock Hugh!!!

David Breakdancing
Check out the video here


Mary at the Cross

Above: This is a line drawing of Mary at the Cross by my brother Gordon
Below: Gordon drew this with a pencil


Rod windsurfing

Above: My other brother Rod, windsurfing.

Guam. Sept 2004

The crowds in Guatemala are great and they love to clap and sing.

Hugh playing in Guam above & below Sept, 2004

Radio interview Guam, Sept 2004

A great Priest in Guam, Fr. Mike. Sept 2004

Right: Brian Chhanguur on Bass - Brian you Rock!!! (and look like Morpheous)  

Saipan Beach, South Pacific 1000 miles west of Hawaii

Youth at Lifeteen in Guam, Sept, 2004

Hugh flying to speak and sing at the Strait Area Pro Life conference
in Nova Scotia. Dr. Joel Brind on the wing, thank God he's a great pilot as
well as being the Dr. who is publicizing the link between breast cancer
and abortion.  It was a 5 hour flight.


I get a lot of my music from my father, Colin