Catholic Bridge Popular Topics

Kirsten's journey with ALS

Kirsten has touched thousands of people with her prolife position on Euthanasia. She has an 8 year old daughter and is in the final stages of ALS. She cannot move any limbs, she cannot talk, swallow and breathes with the help of a machine. Here is our quarterly journal.

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Lust Recovery group for Catholics

Here's an effective way to root out masturbation, porn, infidelity and sexual sin from your life.

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Are we being visited by Aliens?

UFOlogy is becoming the main competitor to Christianity. It may be the "Great Deception" (2 Thes. 2:11). What is our response to be as Catholic Christians? Let's look at the historical, theological, scientific, psychological and sociological impact of the UFO religion.

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Why belong to a scandalized Church?

We recieved a sincere question from a reader who is put off by the scandals in the Church, and organized religion in general.

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About Catholic Bridge

Our Evangelical friends see that we've surrendered to Jesus and say we are "born again" but some have trouble understanding why we became Catholic. On the other hand, some traditional Catholics are afraid that dialog with Evangelicals is flirting with modernism. The truth is the body of Christ is divided. We want to be a bridge. Things are heating up against Christians, and our enemies do not distinguish us. The unifying Truth is that Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, has restored our relationship to God through his sacrifice on The Cross.

We are not trying to gloss over differences. We have over 400 articles to foster understanding. Our hope is that all Christians will love one another as He has loved us (Jn 13:34). We don't have to agree with each other to love one another. This site is a response to Jesus' prayer "that they may all be one, as you Father, are in me and I am in you." (Jn 17:21) "Let us not give up meeting together... let us encourage one another." (Heb 10:25), "Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." (Mat 18:20).

We wrote a song about it called "We've Got to Organize"

Martin Luther King and Priests

"I have a dream...when we let freedom ring... all of God's children... Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands."
(Martin Luther King, "I have a dream," Washington D.C., Aug. 28, 1963)

Videos and Music
Building Bridges - Healing Division

Endorsements from our friends and readers

  "Great work!"
Dave Armstrong, Author of "A Biblical Defense of Catholicism"
  I have looked at your website and I'm impressed ... I admire your witness.
Ralph Martin, Renewal Ministries
  I know of about 5 Catholic Evangelists in Canada, today I know one more.
Mark Mallett, International Evangelist
 ..a terrific resource for Protestant-Catholic dialog
The Catholic Register
 Love both the website and the concept. Catholic musician and former secular actor... Those of you who saw ... Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats may remember Hugh as the rock-n-roll cat. So Hugh went from Cat to alcoholic to Catholic. There's gotta be a good pun about this, but seriously, how he discovered God's grace makes for a touching reversion story
Pete Vere, Canon Lawyer, author
 Thank you so much for the spirit of love and concern for evangelicals. I am one. I have been researching the Catholic church and struggling with it. Your website is non-judgmental and informative. Thank you. I'm going to take your advice about praying to Jesus about Mary. We'll see...
Catholic Culture
Awarded excellent fidelity and usability by Catholic Culture
  ... it is an impressive piece of work. This, too, is an important tool in spreading the Faith. Your language and writing style is appropriate to your target audience.
Deacon Eugene Margeson, Vice Chancellor, ArchDiocese of Ottawa (Not an "official" Diocese endorsement)
 ..a terrific resource for Protestant-Catholic dialog
The Catholic Register
  I just discovered your site, and referred some folks to it from my FB page, where nearly 2 million visit every month. Thanks for such a great effort to make our Catholic Faith understood.
John Michael Talbot